4.Not the Best Example To Set

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     Omega and Alona were sitting on the floor of the Marauder, talking about anything that comes to mind. Omega leaned up against Gonky, who had fallen onto his back and couldn't get up. "Your lightsabers, why are they orange?" The kid asked while going through a box of tools. She was set on being Tech and Echo's maintenance helper.

    Alona looked down at her lightsabers that were hooked onto her belt. "As a youngling you get taken to the ice caves on Ilum. The Force guides you to the crystal that matches you as a Jedi, mine happened to be orange. I got the second crystal when I started dual wield training." She explained. Alona scooted back a few inches to rest her back on the wall and stretch her legs out. "Mine can actually connect into one so that a blade comes out on either side." She added on, pulling the hilts off of her belt and snapping them together to demonstrate.

    "I've never seen you use them like that." Hunter chimed in, joining the group. He sat down in a chair with a metal box in his lap.

    "That's because it reminds me of Maul, his fighting style." Alona replied, holding the joint lightsaber in one hand while she ran the other through her shorter hair.

Omega's eyes widened, obviously intrigued. "You fought Darth Maul?" She asked in amazement.

Alona nodded. "Several times, actually. He had a personal vendetta for my Master, and by extension, me." The Sith's fighting style made it a lot harder to have fun while still managing to live.
Hunter opened the metal box, pulling out two protein sticks. "Here. Chow time." He announces. Alona stood up and grabbed hers.

Omega did the same while eyeing the Jedi's arm. "Why did you tattoo the word "burden" on your arm?" She asked curiously.

Alona chuckles. "I like to humble myself." She replied, taking a bite of the protein stick.

Hunter elbows her and gives her a look. "I'm not sure calling yourself a burden is the best example to set for Omega." He scolded.

Alona bites her lip. "Right." She nodded, turning to Omega. "Don't be like me." She gets elbowed by Hunter again. Alona raised her eyebrows. "What'd I say?!" She questioned, sitting in the seat next to him.

Wrecker comes over after seeing the rations box. "Ah! Finally!" He exclaimed, grabbing a protein stick and eating it in one bite. "Hit me again!" but Hunter closed the box and shook his head. They were low on rations and couldn't hand out more than what was necessary.

Omega hadn't taken a bite of hers yet, so she held it out to the disappointed Wrecker. "You can have mine." The sweet girl offers. Wrecker's eyes light up and he reaches to grab it.

But Hunter pushed him away. "Hey, Omega doesn't even have a place to sleep. You wanna take her food too?"

    Wrecker cringes and scratches his hairless head. "Oh, uh...n-no thanks, you keep it." He stuttered. Omega shrugged and took a bite of her meal. The three grown-ups turn their backs to the kid. "I guess I'm not used to having a kid around here." Wrecker mumbled.

Hunter looks over his shoulder at the girl. "None of us are."

"She's not complaining. In fact, she seems very content with living with five people who have no idea how to care for her." Alona shrugged, her scar stretching as she smiled.

The Marauder jolts and the lights go off, which they took as a bad sign. "Echo, lights cut out again. I thought you fixed it." Hunter questioned, his eyes full of frustration. Nothing seems to be going as it should.

"Yeah, add it to the list." Echo shouted from the cockpit.

Alona frowned. "What else is on the list?" She asked, walking into the cockpit and putting a hand on the back of Echo's seat. She took a second to look out at the sight of them going through hyperspace. Hunter comes in behind her, leaning in the doorway.

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