13.Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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Double update because The Bad Batch season 2 premieres today! Happy bad batch day! Go watch it!:)

Hunter and Alona follow Rex outside. The sun had set, casting darkness across the entire planet. The place looked less hideous and disease infested because of it.

"Copy that. I'll meet you at the rendezvous by the next rotation." Rex says into his comm.

Alona smiled softly. Just like Rex to never give up. She wishes that courage came to her just as easily as it does to him.

"Figured you weren't out of the fight just yet." Hunter said, announcing his and Alona's presence. They stood on either side of the Captain...or Commander. Alona wasn't quite sure what rank he stood by the end of the clone wars.

Rex looked out at the stars. "I spent my life defending the Republic. Can't stop now."

Alona sighed. "Rex, the Republic, the Jedi, the Senate, it's all gone now. All that's left is the Empire." She said quietly.

Rex placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ah, not all of it, Little Skywalker. We're here. Others are out there too." He reassured. Rex turned to Hunter. "Your squad's skills would be a tremendous asset." He said in a suggestive voice.

Hunter shook his head. "Things aren't like before. Our priorities have shifted."

Rex looks between the two of them with a certain look. "So I've noticed."

"Omega needs us. She needs people to care for her. She needs to be a kid for once." Alona explained, crossing her arms over her chest.

"And I have to do what's best for my squad." Hunter added on. He gave Alona a second glance. There was an enticing look in his eyes that made her stomach flutter. Alona couldn't look away.

"Which is what?" Rex asked.

"I'm still figuring that out." Hunter sighed. What was best? Continuing the fight? Settling down, laying down their armor?

"I guess we all are. When you sort things out, let me know where you land." Rex nodded understandably. "Tell the boys I'll see them around." He concludes.

Alona hugs Rex one more time. "Stay out of trouble, Captain." She says quietly.

Rex laughed. "Funny coming from you. Be safe, Alona." He says before pulling apart. He puts his helmet on. "Take care, trooper." He says to Hunter before starting down the scraps of metal.

"Captain." Hunter calls out before Rex can get too far. "If you're ever in a bind, you know how to reach us."

Rex nods and then disappears in the fog, gone into the night.

Alona stands beside Hunter, looking up at him with a tentative expression. "So," she started, rubbing her hands up and down her biceps to keep warm. She left her cloak on the Marauder. "What do we do now?" She asked, biting her lip as she recalled their long day.

So much went down, even in the last hour. It was a lot to process.

Hunter moved to stand right in front of her, the moons shining bright in his eyes. "You are going to stop biting your lip." He said lowly, moving his eyes down to her lips.

The corners of Alona's mouth quirk upwards. And she bit her lip again. "Why?" She asked, watching him take a step closer to her. She could feel his breath on her face. Alona couldn't stop herself from staring at his lips.

"The only person who should be biting your lip is me." He blurted, raising a hand slowly and placing it on her face, brushing his thumb along her scar. Alona had no idea where the sudden surge of confidence came from, but she was enjoying it.

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