35.Do Control Your Protégé's Insolence

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Valentine's Day was yesterday, so here's this⬇️

        "You okay?" Hunter asked as he and Alona walked the outskirts of the city together with their gloved hands connected

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"You okay?" Hunter asked as he and Alona walked the outskirts of the city together with their gloved hands connected. Alona loved the teal color of his new gloves.

Hers were black because Omega told her it looked best with her red shirt.

Alona exhaled, nodding slowly while she ran through a list a mile long with all of the pluses and deltas in her life. "Well, I'm not dying, not having visions of my dead brother, and you're with me, so things are good." She declared with a smile.

Okay, so she never told him about Darth Vader, so what? Why would it matter? What good would it do to tell him that her brother's face was the one behind that scary mask?

Hunter's mouth perked up and he squeezed her hand, grazing his thumb gently over her knuckles. "You just...seemed a little off in Cid's office." He admitted with an edge to his voice.

They stopped at the back of a building that shaded them from the scorching sun. Alona moved to stand directly in front of him, peering up at his worried eyes. "Well, I mean, Dooku wasn't the most pleasant person I've had the misfortune of meeting. The mention of him, his home, it was bound to bring back some memories I had almost forgotten." She says with a small laugh, raising her robotic hand to brush her hair out of her face.

Hunter tilted his head in agreement, his eyes scanning her face, finally able to look at her and not just see that cold, blue shade she was when he pulled her out of the water. She looked almost completely back to normal, her skin more tanned and life-like. It glistened, nearly sparkled.

She was without doubt the most beautiful woman he's ever met.

"Although there was this one time Anakin, Obi-Wan, Dooku, and I were all captured by these pirates. We were chained together and the entire time we continuously teased and mocked Dooku. It always makes me smile, it's one of my favorite memories I made as a padawan." Alona said, in fact with a happy smile from cheek to cheek, her eyes brightening as the memories replayed like a hologram message in her head.

Dooku had his hand stuck out from the prison bars, his eyes focused on the plate of fruit sitting out across the room. The plate began lifting from the table, slowly floating in the direction of the cell full of Force-sensitives.

"Don't you think our priority should be escape first, eat second?" Anakin asked Dooku sharply, glaring at the old man. Obi-Wan side eyed Anakin, shrugging one shoulder.

Alona's brows perked. "Let the man eat his last meal." She chimed with a hum. Anakin smirked.

"Do control your protege's insolence so I can concentrate." Dooku retorted in a hiss, continuing to draw the plate towards the cell bars. His hand jerks and the plate of fruit falls to the ground, a knife being the only thing remaining in the air.

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