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Curious, if I were to write another TBB Fanfic after this one is finished (which will be shortly after the S2 finale), who would you want it to be about?😏 I already have some story concepts in mind but I wanted to ask y'all. Another Hunter fanfic? Wrecker? Tech? Echo?

Kinda leaning towards Tech or another Hunter fic based off of what I've designed so far for the OC (her name is Malaina and she's a little more feisty than Alona and slower to trust people because of her past. She's definitely dominant, which would make a good bottom and/or switch Hunter fic me thinks) but let me know! :)

Tech had everyone up and working on repairing a skiff the second the sun had replaced the moons the next day. And they continued working going into the afternoon.

Wrecker groans loudly, flailing the wrench around in his hand. "I'm bored, I'm hot, and I'm starving." He complains, throwing his head back.

"Hunter told you to preserve your rations." Alona reminded the hangry clone. She and the Sergeant were tasked with repairing the altitude controls and repulsorlift engine on the left side.

Alona's robotic hand has been deemed destroyed by Tech, so it was currently being stripped for parts to repair the skiff. Which means she was walking around with just one hand.

"Well...I got hungry." Wrecker sighs, slumping his shoulders as he reluctantly gets back to work. But another piece rusted off and he stares at it for a few seconds in disbelief before plopping his bottom roughly onto the ground. "We're wasting our time. This skiff's a heap of junk."

Tech paused to adjust his grip on the tool he held. "Yes, but with a few repairs, it'll be a slightly operational heap of junk. The energy cells have just enough power to get us to the town on the other half of the hemisphere."

Omega's eyes brightened and she adjusted her position on the crate she had been sitting on. Unfortunately, her made-up school curriculum has not gotten to the anatomy of this kind of speederbike, so she couldn't help repair it. "Power? We forgot about Gonky! He's still on the Marauder!" She exclaimed.

Tech didn't look up from where he was working on the control panel as he replied, "I'm afraid since the thief disabled the ship's transponder, we will not be able to locate him."

Omega shook her head. "Not the ship. I mean we can track Gonky." She corrected. Hunter nods proudly at the girl, a soft smile reaching the corners of his mouth.

Tech hummed. "Oh. Ingenious idea. Try doing a trace on his binary reference code." He replied lightly, adjusting his goggles.

Omega nodded. "On it." She replied, jumping up and heading over to the array a few feet away.

Wrecker chuckles. "Don't get your hopes up, kid." Alona raised an eyebrow at him and used the Force to chuck a small pebble at him. It bounces off of his armor with a clank.

"She's a smart kid." Alona mutters, placing her nub against the skiff while splicing a wire in the repulsorlift engine.

"Sure is." Hunter agrees, brushing away a strand of his hair that had fallen past his bandana.

Five minutes later Omega's voice fills the silence. "I'm getting a reading." She mutters, then her eyes brighten again as she gasps. "I think I found Gonky!"

Wrecker laughs. "You-" but then her words register in his head and he looks up in shock. "What? You found him?"

Alona smiles and drops her arms from the skiff. "Where is he?"

Omega walks over and stands between Hunter and Tech, showing them the signal that beeped on the datapad. "His signal is 100 kilometers east. If Gonky's still on the planet, the Marauder must be too."

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