16.Test Tubes

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Another double update bc I'm writing chapters faster than I realized. So this is chapter 16! I've written up to 22 and let me tell you, things get GOOD😉

"This is all that clone's fault. He shot my leg off!" Todo whined, sitting on the floor just outside of the cell.

Omega side eyed him. "He was protecting me. That's what friends do. Why isn't yours helping you?"  She asked the dramatic droid.

Todo was trying to fix the leg that Hunter had blasted off, having no help from Cad Bane. "Well, Mr.Bane is very busy."

Alona scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Doing what? Sitting up in the cockpit while the ship travels through hyperspace? Does he like staring out the window? Is bounty hunting and hyperspace gazing his only two hobbies?" She spat.

Todo ignored her and continued working on his leg. Incorrectly, mind you.

"I could fix your leg if you want. I mean, it's a simple booster adjustment." Omega offered.

Alona eyed the blonde. "Tech has corrupted you."

Omega shook her head with a smile. "I have actually done it a bunch of times for AZI-3 back on Kamino." She explained.

Alona ran her hands over her face. "Nerd." She teased.

Todo scoffed. "I am a techno service droid. I am quite capable of completing my own repairs. You are a prisoner and are not to be trusted." He retorted, turning around to continue working on his leg.

Omega shrugged. "Have it your way."

Alona closed her eyes and focused on the controls outside of the cell. She held her hand out and used the Force to remove the barrier. Omega bent down quickly and switched Todo off. The droid clatters to the ground. "Sorry. It's only temporary." Omega apologized to him.

Alona bent down and picked up her smashed comm. She sighs. "So uncivilized, that Duros."

Omega bent down and started repairing Todo's leg while Alona searched the storage compartments for Omega's confiscated communications device.

The ship jolts, which tells Alona they just came out of hyperspace. She picked up her pace, sorting through the bins until she pulled out Omega's comm. By then, Omega was done with Todo's repairs.

The ship stopped moving. They had landed on the unknown planet. Alona hurriedly handed Omega the device and-


Alona ran to the ramp and pressed the button. It started going down and the girls quickly squeezed out before Cad Bane caught them. They ran inside of the building, adrenaline rushing through them.

Alona made sure to keep Omega in front of her so that they would avoid any other mishaps today. "Get in contact with Hunter. Now." She ordered the blonde, looking over her shoulder. No sign of anyone yet.

Omega pressed the button on her comm. "Hello? Is anyone there?! Can you hear me?" They turned the corner, speeding up their steps. "Come in. Come in. Anyone?" Omega asked hopelessly.

There were clouds everywhere, seeping inside of the building that had cracks in the windows. Whatever planet they were on was high up in the sky and obviously abandoned.

"Is anyone there?" Omega asked again.

Her comm beeped. "Omega, do you copy?" Hunter's frantic voice asks. Alona sighed in relief. A heaviness lifted off of her chest.

"Hunter?" Omega gasped. "I'm here. We're here. Alona and I got away, but you have to hurry!" She said quickly. Alona grabbed Omega by the shoulder and pulled her down to hide around the corner. The Jedi sensed Cad Bane and...Fennec Shand?

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