22.First Time

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The Batch decided to take a small break after the sudden job on Ryloth. Just a day or two on a planet untouched by the Empire. It gave them all time to rest after running around for so long without rarely having a break. It also allows Omega to explore, the very thing she had been yearning to do since she left Kamino.

It was a forested swamp planet in the Outer-Rim territories. A very sparsely populated planet so they knew their chances of being found were slim. And that planet was called Sorgan.

Alona immediately took a liking to Sorgan after breathing in the refreshing atmosphere. The sound of frogs croaking and ribbiting in the swampy parts filled the narrow-treed forest that the Marauder was hidden in.

Wrecker and Echo had taken Omega to the wetlands not far off in the distance to explore the krill and frogs. Tech had been aimlessly wandering around with his datapad, researching anything and everything he comes across. He seemed to enjoy the planet just as much as Omega.

Alona had finally persuaded Hunter to get some rest. He had been failing on that part just as much as she had recently. So he was taking a nap onboard the Marauder.

Which left Alona alone. She had found a soft spot of grass and had taken a seat in her meditative position. This was a peaceful planet, she could sense the calmness, the freedom in the Force. She used that to heal her mind and connect on a deeper level with her surroundings.

The roots of the lily pads, the refreshed grass and the hydrated trees, the wind dancing between each living thing. It was all so happy. That energy traveled to Alona and she felt a genuine, content smile spread on her face. Her heart ached with joy, she could feel her body healing after such a tragic few months.

This was the perfect place. Alona had never felt so in touch with the Force. Strangely, Alona had a feeling that some of this was because of that door she opened in the temple on Ord Mantell. She had yet to find out exactly what her gray lightsabers meant, and why they were only like that throughout the duration of her vision, but she figured it had something to do with the middle. She had chosen the middle.

So was Alona a Gray Jedi now? She unfortunately knew that question would only be answered by going back into the temple. Alona would have to do that soon.

"Hey, Alona. We're heading to grab some grub at the Common House, wanna come along?" Wrecker asked, pulling Alona out of her meditations. She opens her eyes and looks over her shoulder at the group of clones.

Alona shook her head. "Someone needs to be here in case Hunter wakes up. You guys go, it's a bit of a walk." She smiled, watching Wrecker, Echo, Tech, and Omega head off to dinner. When they were out of sight she laid on her back in the grass, staring at the blue sky. It was beginning to darken as the sun approached the other side of the planet.

Flowing through all, there is balance

There is no peace without a passion to create
There is no passion without peace to guide
Knowledge fades without the strength to act
Power blinds without the serenity to see

There is freedom in life
There is purpose in death

The Force is all things and I am the Force

"It's quiet." Hunter muttered, walking down the steps of the Marauder. His heightened senses weren't going nuts due to the peace. Alona knew he was glad to catch a break from all the crowded parlors and gatherings.

"They just left to try out the Common House. They'll be gone a while." Alona explained, tapping the spot next to her in the grass. Hunter complied, walking over in his civvies and laying in the extremely soft grass. He props his head up with one of his hands and places the other on Alona's thigh.

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