Chapter 50 Views of the stars

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It had felt like years since Lily went missing but in reality it was just a couple of months. Those times were simply dreadful no beating around the bush with that issue. But 3 weeks ago I was given a ray of hope. A signal that my daughter was still alive. Maybe it was foolish but I wanted to believe one day Lily and I would be able to meet again.

But then my other reason to keep going came to pass. We had our second and third child. Isaac and Katherine were much more energetic than Lilian. Lily was always rather quiet as a child albeit likely due to her medical conditions. She never really moved around much until she was at least a year old and was practically blind until she was 3. Isaac was fairly quiet, at least from what the maids and Talia had told me, but he was full of energy constantly moving around unless he was fast asleep. I wouldn't be surprised if he was able to sit up on his own in the next few weeks and able to walk soon enough after that.

Katherine on the other hand didn't seem to be as physically adept as Isaac but she'd be more than happy to let the world know of her presence, I swear people outside the city gates could hear her cry.

But ultimately I was relieved to hear these two were perfectly healthy children. Though I must admit I seriously hope these children don't have some form of memories from a previous life, there was enough heartache for us when Lily revealed she was Excella reborn and she remembered every excruciating detail of her passing... I don't think I could deal with that again.

For some reason my mind wandered a bit and I chuckled to myself. I suppose if I had to pick I would prefer it be Axler or Princess Olivia. Just so long as it's not King Arves. My mind was wandering again.

"Your Majesty. Everything is ready." The young woman with short pink hair said.

"Alright Mirette I'll be there in a moment."  I said before grabbing a big blanket.

Lilian may have been away for a while but her retainers found some new tasks to keep themselves occupied. Mirette devoted herself to watching over the twins and therefore spent a lot of time in my company.

Edra grew quieter than even before but he decided to assist with training newer recruits and showing them how to deal with more unorthodox fighting styles.

Sophie wanted to watch over the twins as well but since I was able to find more candidates as teachers I told her she'd need to focus on her classes. I wouldn't be teaching for a little while but to my surprise Charlene of all people Volunteered to take over as teacher.

I ultimately learned to stop questioning where she learned everything from but I will admit I was pleasantly surprised at how well she does teaching the kids. Going into detail when necessary and she even helped young Lyric and Francesca when they weren't understanding the literature lessons as well.

But that aside tonight was a bit of a special night. I was out on a private deck of the castle with both Kate and Isaac in my lap wrapped in warm blankets. Tonight would be their first time seeing the stars. Im not sure if it was silly but I wanted it to be a big moment for them. I wanted to do something I never had a chance to do with a Lily. I wanted for us to enjoy little moments together and maybe have a few milestones we accomplish.

"Your Majesty." I heard Mirette call for me.

I turned to see she had something in her hand.

They were two dolls... well they looked more like animals and were softer in texture.

"Two days before the incident occurred princess Lilian and I worked on these. She didn't know if she'd be getting a little brother or sister so I suggested we make both... I suppose it was the right call. I just finished the stitch work last night. Either way I think she'd want Prince Isaac and Princess Katherine to have these." She said handing the dolls to me.

I must admit I felt surprisingly happy. Maybe that wasn't how I should be feeling but remembering how far Lily had come after she began opening up to me and Caius. It made me happy to hear.

"I wonder how do you think Lily would react to find out she has not just one but two younger siblings?"

"I imagine she'd be quite happy your majesty."

The stars are quite bright tonight. It's strange I'd grown so used to the capitals nightlife I'd all but forgotten what they looked like without any light pollution.

They remind me of those days when I used to travel across the stars myself. Decades before Caius. Though I suppose I aged 20 years more than him so he wouldn't recognize his commander. Though to be fair when I first arrived I only remembered my name, Lucian.


"Hey aunt Kate. How was work today?" I asked her in English. I was quite proud how quickly I'd been learning how to speak their language. Though their technology was trickier for me to understand. I could figure out the screens and buttons well enough but those giant machines some of them piloted to harvest materials outside still baffled me.

Aunt Kate turned to me and spoke trying far too hard to sound casual.
"Well it was alright just worked on the usual. Tracking the signal to reach Avos and monitoring the health of the crew."

I wasn't sure for a while because I didn't know the language but I had figured out that although Aunt Kate was happy to become my legal guardian she wasn't the best at interacting with children. To be fair she was only 23. If I counted both my lives I'd be a few years older than she was and I had no clue how to handle children either.

"Hey Lilian. If you're available there's somewhere I'd like to show you.

"Sure!" I said a bit over enthusiastically. Granted I was interested but I wanted to help Kate relax.

She took my hand and some weird goggles and walked me down the hallway. Well floated? Jumped? Gravity was significantly reduced outside of essential rooms of the ship so I felt like a single jump could clear half a Castle length. Supposedly they reduced gravity to save on energy but I didn't really know.

But soon we reached a door. The words on the sign said "Astrology Observation room" whatever that meant.

She put on her goggles and the door opened and then I saw surrounded by darkness.

"Aunt Kate? Why is it so dark?" I said admittedly a bit scared. I wasn't necessarily afraid of the dark like dark like some were but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get concerned when I couldn't see and didn't know what else was in the immediate area.

"Don't worry I'm right here Lilian... also fair warning you may want to cover your eyes for a bit."

I did as she suggested and covered my eyes. I heard what sounded like a strange whirring noise for a bit until it happened. I saw a sight both familiar and completely new.

The stars the positions looked entirely different but I was seeing the stars once again. It was the one part of this Ark that reminded me of home.

"I always enjoyed this sight. Many people used this room for assignments or research but I always found this view calming. Their positions may differ but it's a reminder that as long as we're alive we get to look at the same sky... Lilian I promise when we reach Avos I'll make sure to help you find your family."

I felt a surprising warmth in my heart at those words. Thankfully I knew the exact words to say.

"Thank you Aunt Kate... for that and for showing me this view."

Aaaaaaaaaaaand chapter done. Getting closer and closer to summer vacation and this story has definitely passed 50k words by this point. I may put out one more chapter of princess farmhand but I'm gonna prioritize finishing this book up, granted it's just the first half of the story.

Also I feel like my writing is better when it focuses more on the characters inner thoughts and dialogue is kept on the lower end.

That's all I got this time so hope everyone has had a good Palm Sunday and has a happy Easter.

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