First Encounter

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A white colored Audi R8 sports car was running in Mumbai city, Maharashtra, India at its maximum speed. Seemed like the driver had a race against time.

After a few sudden turns, the driver applied the brakes, and the car stopped with a jerk in the parking lot of Prakash Medical College and Hospital.

Two young ladies, who are looking like a princess of some elite family, by their looks, came out from either doors of the car.

“Wow Teju, today you drove the car faster than ever as well as safer too. I Love it sweetie.”

Teju loves it when someone praised her. She got excited and raised the collar of her white silk shirt with an attitude. “Yup dear, AK, sometimes even I wonder about my unremarkable skills. How can one born with so many talents?”

Teju chirped half jokingly to her best friend Adaa Khan , whom she used to call AK.

“You are so self-obsessed.” Adaa shook her head, seeing her best friend, who is not less than a crazy bug.

“This is called talent. Every random person doesn’t have it.” Teju winked at Adaa to tease her.

Teju’s teasing provoked Adaa. “You, brat......” She clenched her fist and strode towards Teju.

Teju understood that Adaa’s approach was to catch her, and she ran from there.

“Hey you stop.” Adaa too increased her pace, but Teju was way too faster.

Both the girls were running and chasing while laughing hard, creating havoc at the main door of the hospital, when suddenly near the main gate of the building Teju turned around to look at Adaa, who was left behind.

“AK, you are a lazy snail. You can’t catch me, darling.” Teju was walking backwards while teasing Adaa and didn’t realize that someone was coming from the opposite direction and they ‘Crashed.’

Teju bumped into a suited man who was striding towards the entrance door of the hospital in a rush.

Both fell down. Teju towered over a very handsome, tall, masculine man, owner of sharp features and a pointed jaw line, but currently having a frowned line on his broad forehead because of the sudden fall.

Adaa stopped there itself and burst into laughter seeing Teju fallen into an embarrassing situation.

Teju was lost for a few seconds because of the unexpected accident. She got back to her senses by Adaa’s laughter and noticed the guy’s frowned face. She immediately tried to get up but her hand slipped and she once again fell on the guy’s chest with a thud, “Damn it!” Teju mumbles and it increased the frown lines on the guy’s face.

Adaa’s laughter increased even more. Teju tilted her head, looked at Adaa and screamed, “Stop laughing, you maniac, and help me first.”

The guy shrank his eyes and closed his ears; coz the loud and sharp yell of Teju fell into his ears, buzzing his ear drums.

Adaa came forward while controlling her laughter and extended her hand to Teju to help her get up from the guy.

After helping up, Teju dusted her clothes and bowed with respect in front of the guy and said. “I am so sorry Mister.”

She knew it was her mistake, that’s why she apologized respectfully, but after that she didn’t wait for the latter’s response and moved forward with Adaa towards their way when the suited guy taunted her from behind.

“How could any random person drop into a place like hospital without manners and decency?”

Teju heard it clearly and turned around immediately. She couldn’t take the wrong accusation.

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