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“Karan, being your good friend, let me remind that you can’t take the advantage of your position. It’s wrong.”

Yuvika, being a senior doctor, tried to remind Karan to not to take any rash decisions that will be detrimental to the hospital, but all her good advice fell onto deaf ears.

“I don’t care, Yuvi. I have made up my mind that this undisciplined, non serious and prankster girl is not meant for my hospital. She can’t be a good human, let alone be a good doctor.”

Yuvika sneered at Karan’s judgmental behavior and scolded him. “You are nobody to decide all this. Better don’t bring your personal grudges into professional matters. Still do whatever you want to do, but don’t forget you can’t do this without Prince’s concern. You need his signature.”

Yuvika knew Karan was strong headed and was not going to get his ways no matter what. After giving the last piece of advice, she turned on her heels and marched out of his cabin sulkily, but Karan didn’t budge.

The proud and arrogant Karan Kundrra couldn’t take on his ego and Teju had made him lose his face in front of the hospital staff, which was not less than a crime for him. He can’t let it go.

Now Karan needed to talk to Dr. Prince Malhotra, the chief of the interns, to inform him about his decision regarding the change of interns’ enrollment. Before he could proceed to talk to him, a storm entered in his cabin with an enormous bang on the door.

Teju stormed in and clapped ironically.

Karan was shocked for a moment, and then a pang of irritation consumed all over his face. Now he was even more sure that he made the right decision in cancelling this ill-mannered girl’s internship from his prestigious hospital.

“The great Dr. KK, the dean of the most prestigious and popular, the great Prakash Medical College and Hospital, is such an arrogant and egoistic person that he can take advantage of his position for wrong.” Teju vented out her frustration, but again teased Karan’s prestigious ego.

Karan was snorting at Teju’s snob behavior. First of all, she walked into his cabin without his permission and on top of that, talking to him rudely, challenging his decision boldly.

“Who are you, talking to me like this? A spoiled brat, how could you enter the dean’s cabin without permission? are these your manners?” Karan scolded Teju.

He loathed spoiled kids of rich families who are not serious in their life and he found Teju one of them. He thought that people like her don’t want to do anything in their life other than enjoy their rich dad’s money. They can’t make their own identity.

“Manners my foot, when you can take advantage of your position to cancel my already accepted internship, then you have no rights to question my manners.” Teju refutes in the same tone.

Teju found that Karan was wrong when he cancelled her internship for no reason. She can’t tolerate any wrong and injustice because she is also the daughter of the famous environmentalist Disha Kapoor and has learned to fight for justice since childhood.

Karan’s lips curled into a smirk, seeing Teju is indignant about the matter of her internship. This girl had tricked him for a prank and made him a laughingstock in front of his staff, she deserves this. He was pleased that she was upset and she can’t do anything else, because no one can change his decision.

Karan kept an elbow on the table, supporting his chin with both hands and said with an attitude as doing a favor to Teju. “Miss Kapoor, even though I am not answerable to anyone, I am still letting you know that my hospital needs good, hardworking and responsible doctors to help patients, not a prankster and immature person like you.”

Teju crossed her arms across her chest and retorted with the same attitude as Karan. “Dr. Kundrra, even though I am not in the mood, I will also let you know that it was your hospital’s loss if I do not join and the good fortune of any hospital that I will join. But Teju is not going to leave this hospital. I will complete my internship at Prakash medical college and Hospital, with or without your concent.”

Post completing her words, Teju didn’t wait for Karan’s response, turned on her heels and stormed out of the dean’s cabin sulkily. Karan just shook his head, seeing the door, and his evil smirk grew wider. He didn’t pay heed to that little girl’s confrontation and now, after seeing her attitude, he is more obstinate about his decision.

Adaa was waiting for Teju outside the dean’s cabin. She saw Teju’s red face with a frown line and her heart shivered for a moment. This is not her style to get angry. She is a cool headed person.

“What happened, Teju? What did he say?”

Teju didn’t answer to Adaa, just held her wrist and dragged her towards the exit gate.

“Teju, easy sweetie, what is wrong with you?” Adaa wiggled in her tight clutch.

“AK, don’t ask anything right now and come with me. I need some fresh air; this Dr. HK is getting on my nerves.”

Adaa stopped wiggling and let Teju drag her, but once again scratched her head in confusion. “Now who the hell was Dr. HK?” Adaa sometimes was fed up with Teju’s habit of picking initials rather than a person’s full name. It always leads her to confusion.

“The great but biased dean of this prestigious Prakash hospital.” Teju said ironically, still snorting in anger.

This matter is very important to her. It’s about her career and she can’t tolerate injustice because of a person’s ego.

“Teju, stop being absurd. He is Karan Kundrra, Dr. KK, not HK, do you get it?” Adaa said softly while walking by her side and moving out of the main door.

“No, for me he is Hitler Kundrra, Dr. HK, a crack piece of nut, do you get it?” Teju was not at ease at all. She has already cursed Karan in her heart several times and now wants to spit all the fire, but endure it for good.

Both the girls walked in to the small park, next to the hospital building. It’s a very beautiful part of Prakash hospital to freshen oneself.

Adaa made Teju sit on the bench, fetched a bottle of water from her bag and made her take a few sips forcefully. “Now tell me what happened? What did he say?”

After Teju stormed out of Karan’s cabin, he immediately took his phone and dialled Prince's number to talk to him about the changes in the interns’ list. He didn’t want to delay this matter anymore, the sooner the better.

Mobile rang in his cabin, and at the same moment Prince entered with his phone in hand.

“What’s wrong?” Prince asked, and fetched a cup of water for himself. He was just coming from a four hour long surgery.

“Ahh, thanks the heaven, Prince, you are here. I want to talk to you about something important about this year’s interns.”

Prince was like didn’t hear Karan at all, bottoms up the cup of water and said hurriedly, “Karan, for God’s sake, keep everything aside for now. We will talk about it later. Today we have an important meeting with Dr. Bruise from UK. Let’s go, we are getting late.”

“Oh, how could I forget about it?” Karan cursed his mind and stood up from the chair while thinking that this was also because of Teju Kapoor. That girl has created havoc in his life in one day. Thank gods he showed her the exit door before she could even enter in this hospital.

Karan and Prince marched out of the hospital. While walking towards the parking, a scene caught their attention.

A little boy was lying in a pool of blood near the park’s gate and somebody was trying to give first aid to him. Karan’s eyes widened at the sight of the doctor attending to the little boy.

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