Irreversible Teju

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Karan walked out of the OR after done his part in the joint surgery and left Isha to wind up. He was heading to his cabin, on the way he saw Teju striding towards the operation room.

He followed her and reached to the audience room to watch surgery live.

"Teju was dealing with trauma patients then how come she is in audience room. She is not a doctor who dumped her work just to watch a surgery and learn." Karan mumbled to himself in confusion.

"Dr. Rashmi, I told you we need your help to examin an emergency case of a child patient, and what are you doing here?" Teju yelled on Rashmi.

Karan heard Teju's yell and hurried his pace. He saw her confronting Dr. Rashmi, but don't know for what.

"Oh Gosh, Dr. Teju you are brazenly persistent. I told you I am not ER specialist and how dare you question your senior doctor, being a mere intern. Respect your seniors then only you will achieve something in life." Rashmi said while looking Teju from top to bottom.

Karan clenched his fist listening Rashmi talking to Teju rudely. He was going to step in, but stopped after listening Teju's bold reply.

"I damn care about positions, did you get it? Senior, junior or interns all are doctors and everbody earned their respect by their hard work. I only respect to the people who respect their work, unlike you, huh......." Teju said with hatred and left few words unspoken on purpose.

Karan was impressed, she has true quality of being head of this hospital.

"What does that mean, what did I do to not get respected by a mere intern like you?" Rashmi baffled.

Teju smirked inwardly, she hit the right nerve of Rashmi, now she will writhe more.

"How could you deserve respect when you are neglecting a patient who need treatment?"

"I told you that I am watching a live surgery of my mentor to learn, am I not allowed to even learn to help my patients in the future?"

"Of course a doctor should always learn, but do you think it's ok to neglect a patient to learn for the future. A patient who can die in lack of treatment? Dr. Rashmi, just think, I would be here, arguing with you if I would have any other option?"

Karan got Teju's trick and praised her in his heart. She didn't took time to get that she will get nothing by lecturing Rashmi about morals and duties and changed her game.

"Are you serious?" Rashmi suddenly felt like she is important for Teju, or for the hospital right now. They will obtained her importance.

"Of course, only you can help us and save the child, please hurry up."

Teju made Rashmi feel important on purpose using diplomacy card. Karan liked the way Teju dealt with Rashmi, without any threat or senior's help.

"If you need my help so desperately, then I must help you first. I can watch the recording of this operation later to learn further." Rashmi said royally.

Teju nodded and both marched to the disaster ward. She fooled Rashmi and didn't let her know.

Karan realised for the first time Teju's capability not just as a doctor but as a leader. She not only love her work but devoted to it. She has passion to save her patients and for that she can do anything.

Karan watched Teju talking to a patient's gurdian from afar and recalled something. He fetched his phone and send a text.

The whole day teams of interns worked hard and saved many patients whose life was at stake. The leader of each team report about all the patients dealt by their team to either Teju or her assistant Dr. Jasmin.

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