Wedding Chamber

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Karan asked his mother to do as she want but don't involve him in anything. He marched into his study room, slamming the door behind, fetched a bottle of liquor from his wine collection, unscrewed the cap and sipped it.

"Karan, what are you doing?" Prince stopped him and snatched the bottle of liquor from his hand.

Karan was indignant for a reason and seeking liquor's support to go through this phase. He lost it when Prince snatched his bottle.

"Give it back to me, you punk." Karan yelled and pounced on on Prince, but he took few steps back making Karan stumble and helped by Aly.

"Brother, easy, please......"

Karan looked at Aly and pushed him, then after giving sharp glares to Prince and Aly he marched to fetch another bottle of wine from his collection.

Prince and Aly hurried to stop him and held him from behind. He got irritated and jerked both of them.

"Both of you, leave me alone." Karan yelled again.

"Karan, have your lost it? Stop being jerk. All this is not some joke buddy....."

Prince was trying to make Karan understand, but cut of by his another yell.

"Shut the f**k up. You all made my life a joke and I made it hell. Do you think I wanted to do this,? No, but, I ruined my life and hers as well....."

Karan sat on the couch and held his head in both hands. He knows he hurt Teju, but he also swamped under his agony and felt like nobody is there to understand him.

"Back then, 12 years ago, I failed her and without getting the chance to repent, I failed her again. I let her down again and again. I made her life miserable."

Prince and Aly sat the either side of him to console him.

"You can't change the destiny brother, you both are fated to be united. Now when you got her in your life, try to make it for her." Aly said while tapping his shoulder.

Karan raised his head and looked at Aly, as he is an alien.

"Are you kidding me? Teju hates me, because I hurt her. Back then in the past, I gave her unbearable pain and again only giving her pain to hate me with all her wits."

"Even though she hates you, you have to win her Karan. This is your battlefield and you can't escape from it." Prince said to encourage him.

"Yes brother, right now she is oblivious of many things, she needs some time to understand and accept it. I am sure she will be happier with you." Aly said with smile.

"You both are gone insane, right now my mom is decorating a bridal chamber for my wedding night, do you think Teju will be ok and accept it.?"

"Even though she will not you have to go through it. Karan try to win her with your love. Go easy with her, she is soft hearted girl, she will give in soon."

"Unbelievable man, are you guys getting that she is forced into this marriage. I extorted and forced her......" Karan once again yelled.

He has nothing in his heart, but guilt. He has guilt of his wrongdoings in the past and wronged Teju again.

"Brother calm down, even though you forced her in this marriage regardless of reasons or circumstance, will you let her walk out from your life?"

Karan nodded in no.

"Then make her fall in your love with all your love and sincerity. Love her, respect her and win her."

Prince and Aly tried their best to console Karan and suggested him to deal with Teju with his soft side and love, but Karan couldn't come out from his tough guy shell.

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