Dr. Teju Kapoor

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“Good morning interns, I am Doctor Prince Malhotra, head surgeon of Prakash hospital and the chief of interns. For the next one year you all will report to me. I will allot you all your departments and these duties will be in the rotation so that you can decide in which field you want to do your MS or MB in the future, did you all get me?”

“Yes, sir.....” All interns said in unison.

“It’s time for roll call, miss Maria please.” Dr. Prince asked the head matron to take attendance of the interns.

Head matron Miss Maria came forward with a file and started calling intern’s name alphabetically.

“Dr. Teju Kapoor.” Miss Maria called.


A sweet voice jerked all the interns turn to Teju to get the glimpse of the country topper and a very intelligent doctor of the decade.

It’s a moment of pride for many doctors that the state topper is one of their co-interns and also the reason of being envy for many interns.

“Interns disperse to the classroom, will see you there shortly.” Dr. Prince ordered the interns after roll call and walked out of the hall with Karan and the team of doctors and matrons.

When all the interns were moving towards the classroom, Teju noticed that the same group who were staring at Jasmin again looked at her with a teasing smirk and mumbling something.

Teju had a strong feeling that they all are trying to pick on Jasmin and she can’t let any group of people bully a single person.

“What is wrong with these interns?” Teju asked softly in Jasmin's ears. Ragini looked in the direction Teju pointed and felt nausea with the glimpse of that group. It’s quite obvious that she doesn’t like them, still didn’t reveal anything to Teju and just nodded her head in no.

Not only Teju but Adaa also got that something was amiss in the atmosphere, but they can’t do anything until Jasmin will share the problem with them.

Trio was moving when a girl from the same intern group blocked their way and looked at Jasmin with an evil smirk. “Oh ho, so finally, for the first time in life, miss Jasmin Malhotra made some friends.” She commented on Teju and Adaa with disdain.

Adaa was about to retort when Teju held her hand to stop her from picking a fight to any random person.

“Hey guys, is she the same introvert, timid Jasmin who never used to talk to anybody?”

“No, Mansi, we used to think her dumb, but she is very smart, can’t you see she made state topper intern, her friend?” Another girl came and helped Mansi in bullying Jasmin.

“Yes, you are right, Sheila. Now I get it. She knows she can’t survive without the support of family privileges in this hospital, so she finally made Dr. Teju Kapoor the most intelligent intern her friend.” Mansi said with disdain.

“Huh, height of double face.” Sheila added fuel in fire.

“By the way, Jasmin, you wasted so much time in making friends, you even have family privileges in Prakash hospital too, isn’t it?” Mansi again said with so much hatred.

The two girls bullied Jasmin, but she didn’t say anything in her defense, which was quite a surprise for Teju and Adaa

Teju Kapoor and Adaa Khan are smart and bold girls, they know to protect themselves from anyone. Nobody has ever dared to say anything to them because they can fight for themselves and that’s why they never faced any bully in their life.

Jasmin just looked at Mansi and Sheila with hurtful expressions and moved from there with teary eyes, but Teju held her wrist and didn’t let her go anywhere.

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