New Lead

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"Hey guys, how was your day?"

After the end of another working day, Teju, Adaa and Jasmin gathered into the lobby at their meeting point and asked about each other's day.

"Mine was hectic, even though it was pharmacy department it was all messed up. While checking the older records I even caught two supervisors are backlifting drugs and medicines."

Teju said all dramatically as reading some story and her friends were giving their response through their expressions.

"Oh gosh, Teju I can't believe you always encounter something dramatic in your every department. Is it your life or a webseries?" Jasmin also said dramatically.

"Same doubt Teju, but what did you do with those culprits? I hope you didn't perform another Superwoman act in the hospital."

The first thought Adaa had about Teju was, she was fighting and beating the two supervisors and end up into another trouble.

"So, am I looking like I got another session of lecture from Hitler?"

Rather than answer to Adaa, Teju put her hands on her waist and asked her friends while making poses.

Adaa and Jasmin looked at Teju from head to toe and nodded their head in negative.

"Absolutely not, in fact you are looking much happier, right?" Adaa asked and finger clicked on front of her like chirping.

"Right, because I reported about the backligter supervisors to Dr. PM and he was so impressed that he finally said that I am a capable doctor and not belongs to such departments."

"Wow Teju, great job."

"Congratulations, sweetie."

Trio girl hugged each other being excited.

"Also, he said that, from tomorrow my work will be with him only."

Teju said further and both of her friends jumped in excitement.

"Finally, no more punishments and all sort of tough departments."

Adaa and Jasmin were happy that Teju will not be harass by Dr. Karan anymore doing all the departments which other doctors don't want to do, but Teju was least bothered about it.

"That dosen't matter to me, the overwhelming thing is very soon I am going to assist Dr. PM in a surgery."

"Amazing Teju, that's really wonderful news. Now party....."

"Yes Teju, treat us with dinner tonight."

Adaa and Jasmin demanded and Teju gave in immediately because it's a happy occasion.

"How about barbecue?"

Teju raised her eyebrows with broad smile and Adaa and Jasmin jumped in excitement.

"Alright barbecue with some beer."

Adaa likes to drink a lot but Teju wasn't in favour of drink. At first she denied, later she give in coz tomorrow is weekend. Trio girl headed to the barbecue restaurant for their treat.

Here Teju was partying with her friend and in Kundrra mansion Sunita, Karan and Prince were discussing her.

"Yes, other than me, he is the only person in the world who knows Shashank, Sakshi and Rajeev well, coz they all were together in the medical college."

"Uncle Anand Malhotra? / My dad?" Karan and Prince guessed together and said in unison.

"Right, Anand is the only person in the world to tell us all the old connections of Shashank and Sakshi coz he was not only their classmates in medical college also Sakshi's second cousin. He used to share a great bond with them."

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