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Giovanni/Ace POV

"Run away" I said without thinking twice. 

What is happening to me? I've never cared about people getting hurt, so why do I care about her?

"W-what" She stuttered. "I just, don't get why you're with him." I replied. 

I can't back away now, she's not stupid. 

"You don't have to understand. Just do your job." She said and turned away from me, our hands still together though. 

It was our turn in the line and they asked our names. 

"Angelina De Luca" She lied about her name and got out a fake ID. 

I also gave my fake one, which she thought was real, "Ace Roci." 

He let us in and we walked in to be met with a strong smell of alcohol and loud music. 

She led me to a corner where we sat, still hand in hand. The music wasn't loud here, and there were less people.

"I hate clubs." She spoke. "Why would you hate clubs?" I asked. "Bad experience." She replied clearly wanting to leave the topic alone so I didn't push it. 

She looked around, eyes scanning people and then she spoke trying to get a conversation going. "You don't seem like a bodyguard" 

"What do I seem like then?" I asked trying to not make it obvious. 

"Not a bodyguard. Every bodyguard I've had are too afraid to speak to me. Yet you've crossed the line a lot in a few hours." She laughed lightly clearly oblivious of who I am. 

"First time that's why." I replied and she nodded with a smile. 

She looked around until her eyes met someone then she turned to me. "Found him." 

She observed a guy until she let go of my hand and got up. "Stay here." She commanded me. 

She walked up to a man with blonde hair and sat beside him with her hand on his thigh, whispering some stuff to him. 

Damn she looked hot-

She called a waiter over to herself and got 2 drinks. That's when I noticed she leaned in picking up the glass when her ring opened spilling a powdered substance into the drink. She handed that drink to the man, stirring it making it look natural.

She picked up her own and drank it. 

That's smart-

Why did I never think of that? So much more easier. 

After a while the man passed out and she got up, leaving so I followed her. 

She sat in the car waiting for me and I sat in the drivers seat. 

"The ring idea was good." I said and she looked at me. " You realised?" She seemed impressed and I nodded. 

"No one has ever noticed before." 

"Clearly they don't pay attention to you enough." I insinuating towards her husband. 

"Our secret then." She smiled ignoring my past comment.

The rest of the car drive was silent and we made it back to the mansion. 

"Be more formal when we are home and in front of everyone." She said clearly worried.

But for who?


"They can't harm me." I answered honestly. 

"Not you, but me." 

My eyes widened at her words. 

She'd get hurt for other people's faults?

"It's Mrs Cela when we are at the mansion." She said trying to smile and then she walked out the car and I followed. 

"Ok Mrs Cela."

She walked into the mansion as I followed behind. 

A maid informed us that Aleksander was in his office so we made our way there. 

Elenora knocked on the door and when we heard a 'come in' she opened the door with me walking behind. 

It feels weird walking behind someone, I'm usually in front. 

"What did you find out." Aleksander asked. 

"It's the Russians." She replied and I tried to hide my shock. 

How could a Russian mafia member be so dumb enough to spill his secret. She must be good then, or I need new men. 

"What do they want." Aleksander asked. 

"Well the man said they want to expand more by taking over all of our businesses." She replied making Aleksander nod. 

Makes sense, the Russian Mafia always want to be at the top. Still not worse than the American Mafia though. 

"Did anything go wrong, Ace?" Aleksander asked me. "No everything was fine." 

"What took so long then? It's 1am" Abdyl asked entering. 

"The club isn't so close. Also, Mrs Cela was being cautious." I replied honestly. 

"Call her Elenora." He said feeling disgusted at her being associated with him. 

Made it easier for...

I simply nodded just wanting to kill the fucker already. 

"Ace, your room has been prepared for you. I don't usually allow guards in the home but I'm allowing you since I trust you." Aleksander said and I nodded. 

He really is stupid-

"Abdyl you stay I need to speak to you, and Elenora you show Ace the room beside yours." Aleksander said. 

Beside her?

He's even more stupid. 

We both nodded and she left with me behind her. 

She headed upstairs as I followed. 

"That's my room and this is yours." She said pointing and led me into mine. 

"You should get some rest" She said and walked towards the door. "Good night." She said and she shut the door. 

She seemed afraid, I could see it in her eyes. 

She knew what was coming with her and her husband now. 

I need to not lose focus...

I need to finish my mission so I can get back to being a Mafia Don. 

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