Chapter 47

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Before Wen Jinbai could speak, Chen Zizhuo took his hand and said comfortingly: "Abai, you don't have to be afraid, it's just a farmer's household, let father go there, whether it's a threat or a lure, at most you can pay more. Give the silver to his family and ask them to hand over the deed of sale, and we will go to the county magistrate to get rid of slavery, and you will become a good man, and no one will dare to deceive you in the future."

Chen Lian also nodded, the son of an old friend, he must Will keep him safe.

Unexpectedly, Wen Jinbai shook his head and chuckled, "You don't have to worry about selling your life contract, I'm free now."

Chen Zizhuo didn't believe it, he thought Wen Jinbai was just comforting them. Is there any difficulty, but I heard him continue to say: "Actually, you also know this person, he treats me very well, I think, I will not leave him.

" Lied and deceived, Chen Zizhuo carefully analyzed his words, did they know someone? Where did they know such a farmer? Suddenly, a bright light flashed in his mind, remembering that he was with Li Yu who was rushing for the exam early this morning, so he opened his eyes wide and said in surprise, "Could it mean him? Li Langjun?"

Wen Jin nodded with a smile , but the people in the room were like a bolt from the blue, and suddenly petrified. Li Yu and the others didn't know about it, but they really didn't expect that his husband was actually Wen Jinbai. They had heard rumors that the brother he married was ugly. Brother, he never heard him mention his husband or anything on weekdays, so they never thought about it.

If it wasn't for seeing the two of them whispering this morning, Chen Zizhuo would never have imagined it.

Chen Ziyan was a little puzzled, "Is he really good to you?" Seeing Wen Jinbai nodded firmly, he thought of the rumors circulating in the town, and he understood that Li Yu was once a gangster and married Afterwards, after being separated by the family, he began to change his ways and start doing business to make money. People said that Li Yu married a good husband, so he seemed to be a different person? He also believed that Abai must have played a big role in it, so that Li Yu could really stand up.

Wen Jinbai naturally didn't know what was going on in his mind, he just said: "Uncle Chen, A Zhuo, you don't have to worry about me anymore, after going through some things, the scenery in front of you is different from before, and things are people So, as long as I can find my younger brother in the future, it will be the greatest blessing."

Everyone was silent, and Chen Lian and Chen Zizhuo knew what Wen Jinbai really meant.

Although the Wen family was framed by villains, the people behind the scenes should not be underestimated. Chen Lian was in the officialdom, and he understood that the collapse of the prime minister's mansion was something that some people would like to see. Is the victim of power change. The so-called cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks, the birds are exhausted, and the good bow is hidden.

Now that the emperor is old, although he established the prince early, he has always been disliked by the prince. Although the prince is in full swing, there are still a few princes under him who are very favored by the emperor, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps. Seeing that the competition for the throne is getting more and more fierce, the princes naturally turned their attention to the court ministers.

To win over and suppress, the entire DPRK and China have become a competition field for various forces. However, the Wen family is an anomaly. They don't fight or party, so these old officials follow the lead of Prime Minister Wen.

So, how could the royal family leave behind such a powerful force as the Wen family. At the beginning, there were rumors in Beijing that the prince wanted Na Wenjinbai to be his side concubine, so why not to win over the Wen family? In the end, the Wen family made an appointment with the Fan family for A-Bai, showing their attitude and being impartial.

But because of this, disaster was planted. Some things are not taken for granted, the more impartial they are, the more suspicious they are. This is the human heart.

In fact, Chen Lian never thought about these things, but when he talked about these things with Li Yu who came to borrow books, Li Yu often pointed out the key points that he hadn't thought through. In Li Yu's words, the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, and sometimes when you look at a matter not from the perspective of the event itself, but as a bystander, you will find many problems that you can't see clearly.

Chen Lian took it for granted, and his admiration for Li Yu deepened. After all, he had lived most of his life, and he had been in the officialdom for decades, but no young man could see clearly. I am really ashamed!

"That's fine." Chen Lian said in a deep voice: "We also know that Li Yu is a man with strong opinions and great wisdom. We are relieved of your choice. As for the matter of A Xuan, we I will definitely try my best to find it."

Wen Jinbai was grateful, and gave a deep bow to show his gratitude.

Chen Lian helped him up, and asked with some concern: "In the current situation in the court, Li Yu actually went to take the imperial examination, what do you think about this matter?"

Wen Jinbai understood that it was him that Uncle Chen was worried about. What was worried at the beginning, he smiled and said: "Uncle Chen, don't worry, Li Yu has his own ideas. He has said long ago that he doesn't want to play with the court's power struggle, and don't overestimate his knowledge. His goal It's just running a county and having fun."

Chen Lian thought about it, this is indeed what Li Yu can say, this person is not used to doing things according to common sense, running a county, hey! Now that he has just taken the exam, he has set a goal. It is not for the sake of high officials and high salary, but it is his style.

However, to run a county, run a county, his thoughts are rolling, his eyes have already looked to the southwest, maybe he can really do something.

In Chen's mansion, Li Yu naturally didn't know about Li Yu's topic of discussion. He sneezed twice, moved his almost frozen wrist, and carefully filled out the words on the draft on the test paper stroke by stroke.

When the last stroke was made, Li Yu put down the pen and read it again with a satisfied expression. Now his handwriting still looks good.

Look at the sky outside, it's already past noon, the sky is big, and the meal is the biggest, Li Yu started to make lunch, which caused a burst of resentment, Li Yu couldn't control this much, after eating and drinking, he spread out the mattress and laid it down Take a nap on the board. Seeing him so tired and lazy, the contempt in the hearts of the people around him grew stronger. Sure enough, Li Laosan is just mud that can't support the wall. If you say you, if you enter the examination room, you should take the test with your heart. Such a good time wasted.

When some petty officials inspected and saw Li Yu lying soundly asleep, they all shook their heads and sighed. He slept on his own and didn't disturb others, so he didn't care about him anymore.

Because of Chen Lian's relationship, County magistrate Liu knew that it was the Chen family who helped Li Yu through the joint insurance procedures. Although the Chen family didn't say anything to him specifically, they knew that people couldn't help each other for no reason. What is the relationship between the family, this cannot but make people suspicious.

Li Yu is a farmer with a great reputation, and everyone in Qinghe Town knows everyone. He has only been here as a county magistrate for three years, and he has already heard of his name. He was greatly surprised to hear that Li Yu was going to take the county exam this time. Later, I heard that Mr. Chen assisted him as a joint guarantor, so he had to pay more attention to it.

That's why, since the exam had just started, he had already ordered more people to see how Li Yu was doing.

At this time, a small official turned around and whispered something in Liu County Magistrate's ear, and Liu County Magistrate's originally calm and serious face instantly became tangled up.

"You said he cooked and ate as soon as he entered the examination room, and now he started to sleep after lunch?" County magistrate Liu raised his voice a little.

The little official nodded, he really didn't tell half a lie, Li Yu really did just that.

Mr. Liu raised his forehead, what does the Chen family mean? Why do you want to help such a person take the county test? If the Chen family asked him to let go of Li Yusong, what would he do? Do you listen to the Chen family or stick to your own rules?

Mr. Liu's brows were tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened again, his fingers kept tapping on the table, obviously he couldn't make up his mind, after thinking for a long time, it seemed that he had just made up his mind, and his brows relaxed.

Li Yu didn't know that the county magistrate here was having a hard time because of him. After taking a nap for a while, he was in a good state of mind at this time. He stretched himself, and then continued to copy the remaining draft articles on the test paper.

Three days passed like this, and it was only on the third day that the county examination was completed. When the officials collected the papers, the students began to stand aside, waiting for the dragon gate to open again.

Li Yu was isolated by everyone around him. The reason is that you don't give us any good food... Oh! No, it should be said that when we think about articles, you eat, when we write articles, you still eat, and when we light up and stay up late to revise articles, you are fine and just sleep soundly. Where does he look like a half-reader? It's really degrading.

Li Yu curled his lips, looking at this group of eggplants that looked like they had been beaten by frost, their faces turned pale, and he knew that these people had suffered a lot these days, and he didn't bother to care about these people, what do you like? Let's go, anyway, he doesn't want to integrate into their so-called circle of scholars. This kind of circle is disdainful to him, Li Yu. Whether he is a scholar or not is not judged by them, old-fashioned.

When the time came, everyone filed out. As soon as Li Yu went out, he saw two familiar figures under the big banyan tree on the sidelines, and hurriedly strode over there.

Wen Jinbai and Chen Zizhuo also saw him and waved at him. When he came over, Wen Jinbai eagerly held his hand and asked, "How is your exam this time?"

Li Yu was confident and confident. Said: "Don't worry, if there are no accidents, there should be no problem with being on the list."

Someone next to him heard his words and couldn't help but sneered, "Hehe! If you can make the list, then I can get the top case." He is the student opposite Li Yu, and Li Yu's every move in the examination room has no clue. Can escape his eyes, what else can Li Yu do besides eating, drinking and sleeping? I'm afraid I didn't understand the exam questions? He can only deceive the ignorant family members.

Chen Zizhuo covered his mouth and said with a smile: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you fail the exam. At most, you can wait for two more years and fight again next time."

Li Yu ignored him and just stared at Wen Jinbai up and down. He hadn't seen Wen Jinbai for a few days. Jinbai is gone, I really miss him so much, I just want to take a closer look at whether Wenjinbai has gained weight or lost weight these days? He is now like a yellow-haired boy who has just fallen in love, and he really panics if he doesn't see him for a while.

Li Yu's burning gaze made Wen Jinbai bow his head in embarrassment. In such a large crowd, this person doesn't know how to restrain himself a bit, it's over, it's over, if people see him, he will be ashamed to death, if he hasn't seen him for a few days, why doesn't he miss him?

Chen Zizhuo looked at the ambiguous atmosphere between the two, and he could tell that the two only had each other, and the rest of the people and things were probably ignored by anyone.

He was happy for Wen Jinbai in his heart, Wen Jinbai finally met his lover. Thinking back when he was in the capital, the Nine Young Masters were famous all over the world, who would not admire and love him, but unfortunately, he never pretended to others, so the young master Wang Sun in the capital said that the Ninth Young Masters were cold-hearted and cold-hearted. Come on, this Ninth Young Master is not so cold-hearted and cold-hearted, he is simply too passionate, Chen Zizhuo saw his teeth sour, and couldn't help curling his lips.

Hey! I knew he shouldn't have come, but now it's good, I'm about to be soured by these two people.

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