Chapter 63

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Li Yu dragged Li E away, and Li E cried silently along the way, she was heartbroken. She always knew that her family was biased, but she never thought that people's hearts would be like this. Is Li Xingyan really that good? Is it worth the family paying so much for him? Can even betray his own daughter?

Back home, Li Yu told Wen Jinbai what had happened in the Li family, and said in a muffled voice, "I just kicked this bastard, it's too cheap for him."

Looking at Li Yu who was so depressed, Wen Jinbai Jin Bai comforted him with a good voice, which finally calmed him down a bit.

Wen Jinbai settled Li E down, knowing that the little girl was feeling uncomfortable at this moment, and could only wait for her to vent out before slowly comforting her.

The next day, Li Yu asked Xu Sheng to advance the share of the silver in the morning, then went to Li's house, gave the rest of the money to Li Wencai, and wrote down Li E's confession under the witness of the village chief Li Wentian. Each of them held a copy of the pro-document, which was put into the archives in the county government office. From then on, Li E could not let the Li family dictate, and he didn't care so much about the rest of the Li family's affairs.

When leaving Li's house, Li Yu saw Li Xingyan who was huddled in the corner and looked in, sneered, and walked over. Li Xingyan was embarrassed and didn't dare to face this third uncle, but he didn't want to leave immediately. The hard kick was still painful. He knew that unless the third uncle didn't get angry, he really wanted to get angry. He was afraid that no one could stop him. This made him dare not act rashly and just stood there trembling in place.

"People like you are scumbags, the most despised existence. There will be a long time in the future. Let's wait and see. I want to see how far you can go. I hope you will not regret it in the future, so you can do it yourself." Li After Yu finished speaking, he gave him a contemptuous look and left.

Li Xingyan's body trembled, and he lowered his head, not daring to look at Li Yu again. From now on, it's really like heaven and earth.

At least the Li family has survived this crisis. Li Wencai detained Li Xingyan at home to study hard. Maybe Li Xingyan will pass the next scientific examination. He is an old man, so what else can he expect? Whether he can be successful, I only hope that Li Xingyan can walk the right path. As the saying goes, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, don't be a horse and cow for their children and grandchildren, but how many people can really do it?

Li Wentian talked with Li Wencai for a while, and finally left with a sigh and shook his head. Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and how can they understand without being in it?

The Li family started to split up again. I heard that Erfang proposed it. What Erfang meant was that Li Xingyan pushed people into the fire pit in order to betray his sister-in-law. He didn't know who he would sell in the future. Their second bedroom's daughter You can't let Li Xingyan just sell it off. These words hurt people's hearts, and Li Wencai did not object, and divided up the family's land, house, and family property. Since then, there are two families with the same surname Li. It's just that, since the Li family is just the big house, it's a bit difficult to support Li Xingyan to study.

Day by day, time will always heal the wounds in the heart.

Li E has already reached the age of 15, and she is considered a big girl. The current daughter's family should have married at this time. It is time for Li E to talk about marriage at this time. Wen Jinbai understands this. , Li E came out of Li's house, and they were responsible for Li E. Regarding Li E's marriage, it should be put on the agenda, but in Li Yu's heart, this is still a junior high school student, it's a bit too early.

Wen Jinbai was a little helpless, and he didn't know where Li Yu came from. It was funny when he thought that Li Yu had to wait until he was 18 years old to be considered an adult. How could girls wait so long? Long? If you really have to wait until you are eighteen, you will be an old girl that no one wants.

Wen Jinbai persuaded him for a long time, but Li Yu couldn't get over that hurdle. Fortunately, Li E and Zhang Xiaoshun had a good relationship, and Zhang Xiaoshun's family was not complicated. There was only one old mother, and he was not a difficult person to get along with. The two decided on their marriage first, and waited a year or two before getting married. This compromise plan was approved by everyone. Since they all agreed to this plan, Li Yu could only agree.

Li Yu had to take the academy examination for talent in August, so the engagement meeting would be held before that, and after Li Yu passed the test next year, he would choose an auspicious day to get married, so no one would make irresponsible remarks.

Li Yu started to take the college exam, and Zhou Tixue had to practice copybooks, stereotypes, and policy essays, just like the posture of preparing for the college entrance examination back then. The time in the day was fully arranged, which was really boring. Fortunately, there were With Wen Jinbai by his side, he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Everyone in the village came to Li E's engagement banquet. However, Li Wencai and the others did not come after all. I don't know if it was because they were ashamed of Li E or something else. She comforted Li E a few words, but made Li E cry again. After all, she was persuaded by others. Zhang Xiaoshun held her hand tightly and said nothing to comfort her. He also felt distressed when Li E went through all this, and he had secretly swore in his heart , she must be protected in the future, and she will not be wronged in the slightest.

In the spring of the following year, two major events happened in Qinghe Town and Shuanghe Village. One was the marriage of Princess Chen Jiazhun of Qinghe Town, and her elder brother married Su Wang, a fiefdom in the southwest, and became the main concubine of Su Wang.

In this small area of ​​Qinghe Town, people have seen the highest status is the county lord, and now, there is a princess, so close to them, how can it not be surprising?

At that time, all the people in the town went to see it. The mighty chariots and horses guarding the wedding procession lined up from the head of the town to the end of the town. Ten miles of red makeup was luxurious and exquisite. Even the eaves and trees beside the road were covered with red ribbons. Let the people who have lived in this remote town for generations be amazed.

Witnessed by the people in Qinghe Town, this wedding ceremony has been talked about with great interest, and has been passed down from generation to generation.

There is also "Historical Records. Chengzu Benji" records that in the year of Jiachen, Qi Chengzu welcomed Zhuo in the fief, and was a concubine with a virtuous and virtuous nature. .

Another major event that happened in Shuanghe Village was that Li Yu of Shuanghe Village ranked No. 1 in the list and won the Juren. When the news came, the village head Li Wentian was so happy that he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. They finally had a real scholar in Shuanghe Village. That's Master Juren, if he is recommended, he can take up the post of local government, governing a county, ten miles and eight townships, this is the only one.

They Shuanghe Village has never had an official lord, what an honor it is, everyone in the village is honored, Li Wentian waved his hand, and the village invited people to sing for three days. For another three days, the running water mat was set up, and there was a lot of excitement.

After Li Yu took the provincial examination and passed the Juren examination, he no longer plans to participate in the general examination in the capital next year. Now that he has passed the Juren examination, he can be a candidate for an official. Although he can only be a seventh-rank sesame official, for Li Yu This is enough. With an official status, even if you squeeze into the ruling class, you can still do some practical things. Continue to participate in the general examination, the palace examination is just a waste of time for him.

Although Mr. Chen felt a little regretful, he still respected Li Yu's choice. He still had some acquaintances in the bureaucracy. Now that Li Yu had decided to run for an official position, he could write a letter in hand and make plans for Li Yu.

Li Yu thanked Mr. Chen, there are people in the officialdom who are easy to handle. With Mr. Chen's words, Li Yu doesn't have to worry about being embarrassing in the selection of officials. He heard Wen Jinbai say that many people can't manage their joints. Some people sit on the bench when they are candidates for office, and they wait for several years, and some of them are sent to remote counties in the backcountry, where there are officials who put on shoes for you, and there are unreasonable people who refuse to be educated. Don't even think about making achievements if you waste time.

"Do you have a place where you want to govern?" Chen Lian asked.

Li Yu hadn't really thought about this question. He originally thought about where he could arrange it, even if it was somewhere, now, according to Mr. Chen, it seems that he can choose whether to make it or not.

Li Yu shook his head, he really didn't understand this.

Seeing his expression, Chen Lian already knew it in his mind, and said with a smile: "I have a suggestion here, I wonder if you would like to hear it?"

"I would like to hear the details." Li Yu nodded. , naturally understands these things very well, it is always good to listen to his advice.

Chen Lian stroked his beard, pondered for a moment before saying: "In recent years, there has been a lot of smog in the imperial court, and treacherous and villainous people are in power. The selection of officials and candidates is not based on ability and virtue, but considering your wealth and background, it is impossible to go. Those who go to good places, those places are very competitive, and those people from various forces have long regarded it as their own territory to compete for, and they are all trusted by their own confidantes in terms of employment."

Li Yu nodded, he also understood this, naturally He didn't expect these places extravagantly, so Chen Lian continued to say: "The rest are remote places, not to mention the strong folk customs, and every place has intricate forces. You just took office and single-handedly. Bow your head and blend in with them, otherwise you will be squeezed out and suppressed at the slightest, and at the worst, you will lose your position. It will be difficult for you to make a lot of achievements by yourself."

Li Yuran, he can already imagine such a situation, he alone People from later generations thought that being an official would be able to be superior and respected by others, and they would not have to wrong themselves. They did not expect that there are so many twists and turns in this. A seventh-rank magistrate is already like this. How dangerous it is, so it is right to stay away from the political center.

However, if Mr. Chen can bring up these things, there must be a way to bypass them for him, right? "Then what should I do? I would like to ask Mr. Chen to give some advice." Li Yu said sincerely.

Chen Lian let out a "huh", took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then said after deliberation: "Now the emperor is old, and the princes below are not fuel-efficient lamps. Everyone is staring at the top position, forming a party to enrich their own pockets." , only cared about their own interests, and did not care about the lives of the people at all."

Li Yu nodded. Whenever the old and the new are about to succeed, the power struggle is the bloodiest and cruelest. Thinking about the court struggles of various dynasties in modern history, it is full of drama.

"Now it seems that only Su Wang Qi Huan, who was sent far away to the southwest fief, can keep his heart and plead for the people. If you can go to the southwest, this may be the best choice." Chen Lian paused , took a look at Li Yu, and found that he didn't have any strange colors, and then continued: "The Southwest is the fiefdom of King Su. If you go there, I will write to King Su to take care of you for a while. In the face of King Su, the people above will naturally not make things difficult for you, and if no one makes things difficult for you, everything you do will go much smoother."

Li Yu is well aware of the so-called leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, since there is such a Why not rely on the mountain? You must know that the officialdom is also like a shopping mall. It is the little ghost who is difficult to deal with. If you really want to be tripped by the people above, then you will be tied no matter what you do. If you can't let go, then you don't have to do anything.

He had met this Su Wang Qi Huan once in Chen's residence, but he never thought that Chen Zizhuo's fiancé-in-law was actually a prince, and he even made him King Su. The first impression he gave was that he was a gentle and elegant gentleman from an aristocratic family. At that time, he was still thinking, as expected, a person from an aristocratic family has a demeanor that ordinary people can't match. How could he expect that the dragon and phoenix among people like him are different from others? what.

After listening to Mr. Chen's words, Li Yu was still moved. Chen Zizhuo is now Princess Su. Even if he went to the Southwest to become an official for the sake of Princess Su, his official career would be smooth sailing.

"If you want, I can operate from it, and things won't be too difficult." Chen Lian's eyes flashed brightly, and he stared at Li Yu with a smile and said, as long as you agree, you won't be able to get on this ship. Think about it.

Li Yu didn't know what Mr. Chen was thinking. At this time, he was very grateful to Mr. Chen. He stood up and cupped his hands and said, "It's up to Mr. Chen to decide everything."

Chen Lian was in a happy mood, stroking his beard and laughing loudly. "Okay, okay, just wait for the good news."

After waiting for a long time, Li Yu remembered what happened today, and couldn't help scolding the old fox. In the days to come, he could be a sesame official comfortably and leisurely, but in the end he had to work hard and work hard to support King Su all the way. Well, this old man Chen has cheated him miserably. The worst thing is that he was cheated. At that time, he was full of gratitude. That is what people often say, he was sold and paid for.

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