Chapter 58

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 The students around all cast envious glances at Li Yu. Hearing Mr. Tixue's words, it is no longer a problem for Li Yu to get the ranking in the government examination this time. Effortless effort is under control.

What's more, even if they said they would give away a set of unique copies, this is something that many people can't buy with money. Li Yu's luck is really amazing, everyone's eyes are red, isn't it?

Seeing that Li Yu didn't react for a while, Tian Zhifu had already encouraged him from the side: "You boy has Zhou Tixue's favor, why don't you thank Mr. Zhou quickly. Ordinary people don't want to get a little bit of benefit from his iron cock. You're lucky, kid."

Li Yu then saluted and thanked Zhou Tixue, saying that he must practice hard so as not to disappoint Master Zhou.

A smile appeared on Zhou Tixue's face, and he nodded in satisfaction.

This essay meeting finally ended perfectly. Li Yu became the biggest winner and was appreciated by the magistrate and Tixue. This way, he can go straight to the sky. Li Yu never participated in the essay meeting. He has blue eyes, and this luck is beyond the envy of anyone.

When everyone said that Li Yu was lucky, they never thought about it. If Li Yu had no strength, how could he attract the attention of the two adults?

The news about the Wenhui was spread out, and Li Xingyan almost fainted when he heard it. He probably caught cold during the exam, so he had a headache and brain fever. His name was so popular at the literary meeting, wouldn't he be mad at him, if he went to participate, how could there be anything wrong with Li Yu? In the eyes of the two adults, he must be a young talent.

I don't know where he got his self-confidence, but he felt that he must be better than Li Yu, probably because he knew Li Yu's personality well since he was a child, right? If it were anyone else, it would be impossible for him to have such an idea.

Li Xingyan's anger and thoughts could not influence Li Yu. On the second day after the literary meeting, a servant came to Li Yu's door and gave Li Yu a beautiful small wooden box, which was exactly what Zhou Tixue said he would give to Li Yu. Yu's book.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Tixue said that he would do it, which moved Li Yu very much, and thanked him sincerely. He originally planned to go to the post station where Zhou Tixue lived to thank him personally, but Zhou Tixue had expected such a situation. As soon as he came out, he asked the servant to bring a message, saying that it is now during the imperial examination period. As a student, it is not good for him to meet the candidates alone.

Li Yu knew that this was to avoid suspicion. During the imperial examination period, he had too close contact with Ti Xue. The servant brought back his thanks to Zhou Tixue.

"Zhou Tixue is an upright person. Being able to win his favor and give you such a precious book, I think he really values ​​you. As long as you practice hard and improve, it is the best reward for him." Wen Jinbai looked at Li Yu's face. Said with a look of shame.

"I know this, but I never thought that such a precious thing would be given to me so easily for no reason." Li Yu stroked the delicate surface pattern of the wooden box and sighed.

Based on the thoughts he cultivated in later generations, there is always a feeling that one does not get rewarded for one's achievements. There is no such thing as a free lunch. He used to take it for granted, but now he is not sure.

Wen Jin smiled and said, "You don't have to think too much. The social relationship you mentioned is not only limited to relatives and friends. The heaven, earth, monarch, relatives and teachers belong to it. When you go out and become an official in the future, you will know In the same year, a circle of tutors, superior officials, and even the king will form a circle, which needs to be maintained. Zhou Tixue values ​​you today. In the future, if you take the college examination, he will become your tutor. The relationship is naturally very good. Same as usual, so it can't be said that it's for no reason."

"Yes, I understand." Li Yu was stunned, "It's Fu Lang who understands, thank you Fu Lang for pointing it out."

Wen Jinbai shook his head, the smile on his face faded, "I didn't understand this before. After going through so much, I should understand what I don't understand."

Li Yu embraced him in his arms and kissed him Gently stroking his forehead and back of his shoulder, "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry, I'm late, I'm sorry, but I wasn't by your side when you were suffering.

The next day was the day when the results of the government examination were released, and Li Yu already had an idea in mind. Since Tian Zhifu said that he will have a place in the hospital examination, it has already explained that he should be on the list, but he doesn't know what the ranking will be. He also understands that his handwriting is always a failure. Looking at the content of the article, if you only read the words, there is a high possibility of being dethroned. Now it is lucky to be on the list.

The scale of the prefectural examination is larger than that of the county examination, and the number of candidates from several counties combined is several times larger. Therefore, the number of people admitted to the prefectural examination is correspondingly higher.

The first place in the case, fifty in the first list, and one hundred and fifty in the second list.

There are a lot of talents in the government examination, and Li Yu doesn't dare to trust him. It is already very good that he can be on the second list, and the first list can only be resigned. But this time, as long as he is on the list, he will become a child student, and this is considered to have entered the gate of the imperial examination. Therefore, Li Yu is still looking forward to it.

Li Xingyan was also looking forward to it. His cold was about to heal, but when he heard the news about Li Yuwen's meeting, he was so angry that it got worse. His classmates persuaded him to rest and come back to tell him the result after he finished reading the list. , but he strongly disagreed, and came along with his sick body.

At a quarter of noon, a gong sounded to clear the way, and everyone rushed forward. Li Yu was afraid of hurting Wen Jinbai, so he quickly retreated a few steps, pulling Wen Jinbai to the edge.

"No hurry, let's wait until they disperse." Li Yu frowned, and said in a good voice, these people are not as refined and elegant as usual, they are almost as good as that. In general, swarm.

"Then let Chen Si go and have a look first, we just wait." Wen Jinbai nodded and said, knowing that Li Yu is on the list this time, there is no rush, anyway, he can't run away anyway, the ranking It doesn't matter how much you say.

Chen Si was young and strong, and had been eager to try for a long time. Hearing this sentence, he quickly agreed and ran away.

After the two of them stood still, they found that Wang Wenjun was sitting at a tea stall by the side of the road, sipping tea leisurely, but he seemed to be leisurely, but the eagerness in his eyes could not be concealed. Drinking low-quality tea at a roadside stall? Waiting here today, the tea doesn't taste good either.

Li Yu simply pulled Wen Jinbai forward, and lightly patted Wang Wenjun on the shoulder, "Brother Wang, you are quite leisurely."

Wang Wenjun turned around, saw Li Yu and his wife, and laughed quickly: "Brother Li, didn't you squeeze in?"

Li Yu shook his head, "Forget it, let's not squeeze in with them, the list is there, it's the same if you look at it later."

"That's right." Wang Wenjun beckoned the two to sit down Drinking tea with him, asked the stall owner to serve two more bowls of tea, and then said: "Let's wait here, and let the servants help to read the list." The

three of them chatted while waiting for news.

"Young master, young master! You passed the exam, you passed high school!" Not long after, a servant of the Wang family ran over in a hurry. Although he was squeezed into a mess, he still couldn't stop the joy on his face. "Congratulations, young master, on the top of the high school list."

Wang Wenjun, who has always been calm and self-sufficient, was also flustered when he heard the words. In his panic, he almost knocked over the tea bowl on the table, but he heard Li Yu congratulate with a soft smile: "Brother Wang, congratulations."

Only then did he calm down, but the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be suppressed. Hearing Li Yu's words, his face showed a touch of embarrassment, "Brother Li laughed."

After all, he was still a young man, and he couldn't help but feel angry. Li Yu waved his hand, "It's human nature. If I get the top spot, I'm afraid I'm worse than Brother Wang.

" It's important, if brother Li can practice his calligraphy well, won't he be able to catch the case." Wang Wenjun said, everyone knows that Li Yu's writing is really one of the best, but his writing is too flawed, given time, he will feel ashamed.

Li Yu smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's easier said than done?" While the

two were talking, Chen Si ran back excitedly, not knowing where he lost one of his shoes, "Ninth Young Master, Li Langjun, hit, hit !" Li Yu and Wen Jinbai looked at each other with a smile, and heard Chen Si go on to say: "Mr. Lang

won the forty-ninth place in the top list." There are fifty places in the top list in the government examination. But Li Yu was already very satisfied to be on the top list.

Wang Wenjun also smiled and congratulated, and the two agreed to have a good reunion after the college examination.

The two of them had to meet their confidantes here and had a good chat. Li Xingyan over there looked at the list blankly, no, no, why is there no his name? ah? why? Hearing what his classmates said, Li Yu was on the list, and he was still on the top list, so he acted like crazy, "I made a mistake, it must be a mistake, Li Yu is on the list, there is no way he is not there!"

The light in Li Xingyan's eyes disappeared, and he just repeated this sentence over and over again. The classmates who came with him heard what he said clearly, and their expressions changed, afraid that he would yell loudly, so they quickly covered his mouth.

Misfortune comes from the mouth, isn't the lesson from the last county test not enough? It's just that he was beaten for thirty dozen boards, and he was lucky not to be deprived of his qualifications for the scientific examination. If his crazy words go out this time and annoy the magistrate, his life may be in danger. They are with him It is inevitable to be implicated.

Therefore, the few people glanced at each other and winked, then hurriedly held him down and sent him back to the inn.

Li Xingyan was still sick, and he was powerless to resist by himself, so they could only let them send him back.

After that, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. His husband said that according to his level, he should be able to catch the Tongsheng examination, but now that he has lost his name, what ability does Li Yu have to pass the examination? It's not that he doesn't know who Li Yu is, yes, it must be Li Yu who took away the ranking that should belong to him.

After thinking about it, he still attributed all the mistakes to Li Yu, but so what, Li Yu is now a child, and what about himself? But it's just a white dress, what money do you have to fight against him? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel disheartened. After returning, how should he face those people, he thought, and couldn't help shivering. Those people, those people are the ones who cannibalize people without spitting out their bones. If so, If they knew that he hadn't been admitted to Tongsheng, they, would they... the more they

thought about it, the more terrified they became. Li Xingyan was still running a fever, and now his drowsy condition returned.

After the government examination, all the students and candidates also packed their bags and prepared to return to their hometowns. Those who passed the primary school examination had to go back to prepare for the college examination in August, while those who failed the examination also went back to prepare for hard study, and continued after two years.

Li Xingyan's illness dragged on for another four or five days before gradually getting better. His classmates were also anxious to go back, but it was not easy to leave Li Xingyan alone. After waiting for so long, when he got better, he hurried to return. , although Li Xingyan was extremely unwilling to go back, he couldn't resist, so he could only follow back.

Li Yu didn't have time until now, so he accompanied Wen Jinbai to play in Fucheng for two days, bought a lot of novelties that were not available in other places and prepared to take them back, and only packed up his things and returned on the third day. It's just that at this time, he didn't expect that what Li Xingyan did would make the Li family go crazy.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-05 09:24:42~2020-07-06 11:34:25~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of the cutest Liu Aipi; 1 bottle of your Nineteen Hey, Mu Yi, and Bloody Rose;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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