01: Meeting

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Just a few more days, then I'll be able to get out of this hellhole.

The sound of rain pounding against the streets outside was essentially drowned out by the loud music of the crowded club. People cheering, talking, jumping, dancing, flirting, making-out, Wooyoung saw it all in those moments. His calm eyes trailed over numerous hands, watching as alcohol spilled out of glasses creating messes that he knew he'd have to clean up later.

With a tense jaw Wooyoung ran a hand through his dark blue, almost black, hair. His eyes trailed back towards the single large, mostly tinted window towards the front of the building, watching the rain continue to come down harder, creating a curtain that blocked out the road. Yet the door continued to open and close as new people entered, and drunk people left.

Someone approached the bar from the entrance, making Wooyoung snap out of his trance. He tried to put on his best smile, a meaningless flirtatious look painting his features. He had to do whatever was in his capabilities to earn some extra cash, and most people were already put under a trance by his charms anyways, so what was the harm of playing into it?

"Hey handsome, what can I get you?" Wooyoung approached the man who took a seat amongst the many free barstools, most people too consumed with being on the dance floor to sit around at the bar.

The comment obviously took the customer by surprise, as his eyes widened just slightly. Wooyoung merely waited for the man across from him to snap out of his thoughts, smiling slightly as he pulled back the sleeves to his already exposing shirt. Not only was the v-line cut extremely low, but it was nearly see through, which was hard to tell in the darkness of the club, but when the light hit just right basically everything was revealed.

"I-I'll just have a Coke." The man gave his order with a hesitant voice, just barely audible over the music that continued to fill the room.

"Ah, you the designated driver?" Wooyoung tried to make conversation, quickly ducking below the bar to reach for the appropriate can. He resurfaced after grabbing a glass as well, popping the tab and pouring the carbonated drink into the glass, pushing it gently across to the customer with a smile.

"Something like that." The man laughed, eyes forming into crescents as he smiled. He then handed Wooyoung the appropriate amount of money for the drink, the bartender taking it over to the register nearby right afterwards.

Wooyoung had to admit he thought the man was kind of cute. But he diverted his attention to another customer that approached the bar, already in the process of preparing an alcoholic beverage as this person had been ordering the same drink all night. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the blonde man watching him. A subtle smirk formed on his lips as he handed the customer their drink and added the cost to their tab.

"Like what you see?" Wooyoung returned to the blonde with his question, leaning just slightly against the bar as he spoke.

The man bit his lip shyly, looking away and scratching the back of his head. "You are beautiful, but you probably get that a lot."

Wooyoung chuckled. "I do, but I still appreciate the compliments."

Even with the darker lighting, Wooyoung noticed the blush creep across the mans face.

"Say, who all are you with? You walked in here on your own." Wooyoung questioned, wanting to keep up with this conversation seeing as there was not much else for him to do. And so long as he kept himself busy cleaning glasses or his workspace, his boss wouldn't question it. "Friends get here before you?"

"Uh yeah, they're probably somewhere in the crowd." The man pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the dance floor, shaking his head a little. "They called me here last minute cause they both got drunk, and they knew I wouldn't be able to just leave them here."

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