02: Car Ride

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There was a silence through the air as Wooyoung followed behind the vampire to another car. Seeing as San no longer wanted to drive Mingi and Yunho back to their base, he pushed that responsibility onto Seonghwa, who gave San the keys to the car he arrived in, which was said to be parked a few blocks down.

The rain once again fell hard but at this point Wooyoung hardly cared, everything he was wearing was ruined anyways, and the same likely went for the rest of his belongings too.

The idea of running away passed his brain a few times as more and more red flags started going off in his brain. But he pushed them aside, knowing there was no way in hell he'd be able to outrun a vampire. Plus, San somehow ended up with Wooyoung's backpack, which he cared a lot more about than his suitcase, which was being dragged along behind him. If things were the other way around then he'd probably contemplate the idea a little more.

Wooyoung noticed how San didn't really seem to care that he was walking behind him, as he just continued on at the same pace. It was almost like the blonde was giving him space, but at the same time it didn't seem that way at all. Again, Wooyoung wondered what the hell he got himself into.

San suddenly stopped beside a pretty nice looking sports car, which unlocked seconds later with a beep. It looked almost identical to the other car that Wooyoung found San with, minus some markings here and there. It appeared to be darker in color too, but that might've just been the lighting itself around them.

The trunk was popped open and San carefully placed Wooyoung's backpack within. The vampire turned to the hunter, reaching a hand out to take the suitcase to do the same thing with. Only Wooyoung rolled his eyes and moved to put the suitcase in himself, being stopped when a cold voice cut through the air.

"I can do it, you can get in already." San said, successfully removing the suitcase from Wooyoung's grip, hoisting it into the trunk.

Wooyoung didn't move. He watched San with a keen eye, waiting for him to close the trunk. When the vampire didn't, Wooyoung crossed his arms and popped a hip out.

"Do you take me for a fool?" Wooyoung snapped, his tone venomous compared to before. "Close the trunk."

San tilted his head to the side, an even breath coming from his mouth. The trunk closed not even a second later with a rather forceful slam.

"Did you really think you could search my stuff like that?" Wooyoung added, still unmoving and just challenging the blonde to do something from his stance and tone.

San scoffed. "I wasn't going to search your stuff."

"Then why wait around like that?" Wooyoung countered, taking a step back when San stepped towards him.

"I was looking at the other things in the trunk, and just thinking. Seonghwa usually has emergency things packed in all the spare cars." San explained, rounding the car to then open the passenger side door. "You are quite literally freezing out here, and I was trying to think if there would be anything dry and blanket-like amongst all the crap back there that you could be covered with."

Wooyoung let out a heavy sigh, closing his eyes tight for a moment. When he reopened them he met San's gaze, which was much more similar to the gaze he had at the bar earlier that night. Not threatening, not vampire-like, just genuine looking. That was the look that sent a false sense of calm through Wooyoung's system and prompted him to duck his head into the car.

So much for not getting into cars with strangers.

As soon as the door closed and the rain was no longer hitting his skin, Wooyoung did realize how cold he actually was. His hands and legs couldn't stop shaking no matter how hard he tried to keep it under control, but at least he could keep his teeth from chattering by clenching his jaw shut.

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