12: Safe Place

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Something...isn't right.

The air...feels different.

And I'm...warm?

Very slowly Wooyoung craned his eyes open, only to be blinded by an overhead light. Closing his eyes tight, he decided to just listen to his surroundings. Though there wasn't exactly anything to listen to. There was the slight buzzing from the light, perhaps a humming from a heater, and muffled thuds and clicks, too quiet to pinpoint. Now that he was listening a bit closer, it seemed like there was muffled footsteps as well.

When Wooyoung opened his eyes for a second time he was much more successful. From the immediate looks of it, he knew for a fact he was no longer in San's room in the warehouse. This place...it looked much more livable. He first noticed that he was laying on some old couch, but it was kinda comfortable. The pastel purple blanket was draped over his body, tucked in a way that prevented it from falling if he moved. Looking elsewhere, it seemed like an apartment from the size of the room, though there wasn't much furniture or decorations.

To put it simply, there was the basics. Pretty old or worn basics at that.

There were a few doors, one with a peephole directly across from Wooyoung's line of sight, which he only was left to assume was the front door. Then an open doorway to his left of it, revealing a small kitchen and even smaller table. Two more doors which Wooyoung was barely able to see the top of from behind the couch, were placed relatively close together. One was open, leading to a dark room which Wooyoung couldn't see the contents of, while the other was closed leaving what was behind a mystery.

Looking behind himself, there were a few windows that let in some natural light. The scenery was nothing Wooyoung's ever seen before. It looked to be a small town, since Wooyoung could already see hills and greenery further off. Or perhaps this place was simply on the edge of town, and it was in fact big.

"Are you awake?" A voice asked gently, immediately causing Wooyoung's vision to snap in the direction of it.

There standing at the edge of the couch was San. He showed a sad smile, worry being held in his eyes.

Wooyoung only noticed how he seemed to stand further away than what he deemed necessary.

"Blondie? Where are we?" Wooyoung asked, his voice much weaker than what he expected.

As he spoke Wooyoung tried to sit up, meeting great pain all over his body in the process.

"Hey, hey, don't move." San raised his hands, appearing at the hunters side to gently help him lay back down. "Just lay here and rest." He paused to smile when Wooyoung laid flat on his back one more. He understood the cold look he was receiving, which reminded him to keep speaking. "Remember when I told you that most of us have our own places beside living in that warehouse? Well...this is my place."

Wooyoung looked around again, nodding his head.

"Why are we here?" Wooyoung asked, looking at San who now crouched beside him. "I don't remember anything."

"I wouldn't expect you to, you were sleeping the entire car ride and when I moved you in here as well. I guess you really needed the rest." San shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, sending a small smile. "About why we're here...well I needed to get away from all of them. I kinda lashed out and knew I just needed to leave. The thing is, I leave without knowing when I'll return, and I already shut my phone off, and I won't turn it back on until we go back. I couldn't just leave you there. So that's why I brought you with me."

"Sounds like you've done this before." Wooyoung commented, snickering as he held eye contact with the vampire. "What happened though? I thought you just left to get ointment or something."

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