11: Too Far

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"Stop! For fucks sake slow down! I can't keep up with you." Wooyoung raised his voice, sounding extremely out of breath and over exerted.

"In a real fight there is no slowing down!" Jongho replied completely unfazed, continuing his onslaught of lunges and attacks in Wooyoung's direction.

Even out of breath, Wooyoung knew he had to keep moving. He had to keep dodging whatever Jongho threw at him, but because he was so tired, he knew he couldn't do what the vampire wanted, and that was to fight back.

In a movement too fast for Wooyoung's eyes to follow, Jongho jumped at him and pushed him to the ground. The vampire put the practice dagger to his throat, cocky eyes looking into his own.

"You're dead." Jongho stated simply, standing upright and stepping away.

Wooyoung merely stayed on the floor, leaning back on his arms, looking up to the roof, trying to catch his breath.

"Get up. Set up again." Jongho ordered, already getting into his fighting stance.

With an exasperated sigh, Wooyoung pushed himself upright with his sore limbs, forcing himself to get into a similar stance. Sweat dripped from his forehead, heat overtaking his entire body. Even after taking off his hoodie a few matches ago to simply be in his tank top didn't help.

Twisting his own fake knife in his hand, a weapon that didn't even have a sharp blade, Wooyoung let out a deep breath and decided to take the first move. It was immediately deflected. For every attempt Wooyoung made, Jongho fought it off with ease. The vampire allowed the hunter to take the offense, even if he was doing an extremely poor job at it.

Still, the sparring continued.

It's been about two, almost three weeks and nothing too interesting has really happened. Wooyoung definitely got a lot more comfortable around the vampires, and the vampires to him. Even with these newfound relationships, nothing too personal has really been shared, nothing truly distinctive, making conversations stick to present topics. If there were even conversations at all, since simply being around one another in silence seemed to help everyone be at ease around the other.

Wooyoung actually helped out a lot more than he anticipated within the gang. He essentially worked hand-in-hand with Hongjoong to devise a plan to infiltrate Sector 1, only recently being able to hatch down on the fine details. And with himself being a key component to the plan, the leader decided to allow Wooyoung to train up his skills with the others.

Surprisingly, Jongho was immediately all over the idea, offering to teach Wooyoung how to fight. Despite that, Wooyoung thought the vampire was just taking advantage of the fact that he could fight him without repercussions, even if it was just sparring. Sure, Jongho was teaching him certain things, but the vampire seemed to rely on just throwing Wooyoung in different situations and making him react and practice with what little knowledge he has.

Along with that, Jongho put together intense workouts for Wooyoung to complete as well. The hunter couldn't even remember the last time his body wasn't so sore, and at certain points it almost seemed like Jongho forgot the fact that Wooyoung didn't have the speed and strength on the level of a vampire. But hey, if anything Wooyoung had to admit he did feel like he was already getting faster and stronger, even if it wasn't a lot, he felt it was noticeable. Though that didn't take away from him disliking how sore he was all over.

Of course the other person helping train Wooyoung was San, who taught Wooyoung the specifics of working with knives and daggers. The two have grown closer, Wooyoung being able to push fears aside little by little at a time, and San learning to understand Wooyoung in the same manner. Together, they learned how to work with their bond, making the best of it for the both of them.

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