08: Can't Sleep

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Wooyoung sat on the edge of the bed in San's room, leg bouncing up and down anxiously. His hands were clasped in front of him, head lowered as he was lost in thought. Too many things to think about, yet his mind was so tired his thoughts were hardly coherent at this point.

Him and Seonghwa had returned to the warehouse hours ago. He had help getting everything up into the bedroom, but from there was simply instructed to stay in here and to just yell if he needed something. There was the intent of telling him what happened to San as soon as there was answers, but it was already close to midnight and Wooyoung still hadn't heard a peep. Not even when Mingi came in for a few minutes to give him something for dinner, the vampire didn't say anything about the topic. It made Wooyoung feel terrible in so many ways, not knowing what was happening and not having anyone to talk to about it. Being frozen in his spot, unable to do anything but replay the events from earlier in his mind and pin blame on himself.

In a way, Wooyoung felt pathetic, for one not being able to defend himself, and for getting his emotions so involved as well. Even after telling himself so many times to stop thinking about it, every thought ran back to what happened. He was growing desperate for an answer, for something at least, instead of being confined like this without any indication of what may or may not be happening.

Sure, the deaths bothered him, but he didn't care for them at the same time. Even if they were hunters, no, especially because they were hunters. They made the first move, they should've known what could become of that, and therefore Wooyoung even believed that those two hunters deserved what they got. But San...for some reason Wooyoung couldn't stand the thought of the vampire dying. He believed it wouldn't get to that point, it takes a lot more than a stab wound to kill a vampire, but then the overthinking came into play. What if the knife was laced with some kind of poison? What if the knife when in so deep that, even for a vampire, there was no recovering? What is San lost too much blood or didn't get treated fast enough? What if this was all his fault? If he had paid more attention, if he was stronger, he could've protected the vampire, or at least prevented the injury.

Goddamn it...this vampy bond really is taking its toll on me.

With a sigh Wooyoung fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't fall asleep, no matter how tired he felt, laying like this didn't even remotely pull him into a state of slumber. Everything continued racing on.

Sitting up again, Wooyoung pulled his phone off the nightstand, staring at the screen. Only to look back up, eyes lingering on San's phone which he also left on the nightstand. He bit his lip, hesitating only for a moment before he also reached out for San's phone. Without another thought he unlocked the device with the same password he uses to unlock his own phone.

He looked through San's contacts, finding the numbers of each of the other vampires and added them to his own phone. There was the smallest part of him that felt guilty, but that was easily ignored. He wasn't exactly doing anything wrong, he wasn't looking through conversations or photos, or anything personal, simply finding six phone numbers so he had them just in case.

A knock bounced around the room which regardless, made Wooyoung panic. He shut San's phone off and tossed it back onto the nightstand and rushed over to the door with the intention of opening it. Only the person on the other side beat him to it.

Wooyoung stared at the redhead who seemed calm. Hongjoong though didn't pay attention to him at first, instead allowed himself inside and scanned the room. He let out a chuckle which confused Wooyoung.

"Did you go through San's phone?" Hongjoong tilted his head to the side as he peacefully asked the question.

Wooyoung controlled his expression, but he couldn't exactly control his heart rate. There was no point in lying though. "How did you—"

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