04: The Leader

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The cold was overwhelming almost all of a sudden. It pulled Wooyoung from his sleep, causing his eyes to slowly open and take in his surroundings. The room was bright, the light coming from the window which Wooyoung didn't notice before, likely due to the grey curtains that once covered it, now pulled to the side.

Then Wooyoung realized he was alone. He sat upright, looking around the whole room as if he missed the vampire before, but still, the room was bare and the door was closed. After a few more moments Wooyoung realized that he felt fine, completely unlike how he was feeling previously. Normal, like he should feel, not sick or overwhelmed by foreign emotions.

The door suddenly opened, making Wooyoung instantly defensive and on edge. His eyes shot to the door, seeing a familiar taller brunette enter sheepishly. He held a glass in his hand filled with water.

"Sorry...I didn't realize you'd be awake." The person Wooyoung recognized as Mingi said just as sheepishly as he looked. "I brought you water...cause San told me to."

Wooyoung nodded his head hesitantly, skeptically watching as the vampire approached and placed the glass on the nightstand.

"Where is he?" The words passed through Wooyoung's lips before he fully thought through what he wanted to say and in what manner.

"Umm...." Mingi trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hongjoong sent him on an errand."

Wooyoung narrowed his eyes. He was about to speak but didn't get the chance.

"Are you hungry?" Mingi took a few steps backwards as he spoke, the hesitancy still clear in his voice.

Silence. Wooyoung didn't feel like answering. Something was off and he couldn't quite figure out what.

"Where's your leader? Can I talk to him?" Wooyoung instead said after a few seconds, determination in his voice.

"Hongjoong? He's in his room. I...I think I can take you there...." Mingi obviously wasn't quite sure of what to do, it was clear in his voice.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "If I'm not allowed to leave, then can you bring him here?"

"That I definitely can do." Mingi confirmed, nodding his head and already backpedaling out of the room.

The door closed behind the taller, leaving Wooyoung to silence once more. Now being more awake and thinking clearer, Wooyoung kicked his feet off the side of the bed and sat there for a moment contemplating his next plan of action. He reached for his phone, deciding to look it over to see if there was any kind of message left for him.

What he instantly noticed though, was that it two days later from when he remembered. His eyes widened, opening his phone to look at the calendar, only to see the same date, and give him an extremely strange feeling. He didn't realize how much time has passed, and it kind of freaked him out.

Then a text popped up at the top of the screen, the text chime bouncing around the room. It was from San.

"Hey, Mingi said you're awake, are you okay?" Was what the text read.

"I'm fine. Where are you? And have I really been sleeping for two days?" Wooyoung immediately responded.

He watched as the text bubbles popped up and disappeared for a few minutes, before receiving another text.

"Getting blood with a few of the others. Hongjoong was being annoying and said my eyes looked too dark, even though they weren't." San's first message said, then another quickly followed. "You woke up a few times over the past couple days, I guess you don't remember. I've been giving you cold medicine, and it seemed to knock you out. I'm sorry. But technically speaking, to answer your question, yes you have essentially been just sleeping."

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