33: A Future Reflected On The Past

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The van pulled up to the gate of a very large, old looking house. The tall fencing draped in vines still didn't block the view of the multiple story building. Even in the dark of the late night, some of the windows illuminated bright lights.

What was meant to be more than an hour long drive, Yunho turned into merely a half hour. Still, that entire time of silence did not play well on anyone's minds. Neither Hongjoong nor Yeosang had stirred one bit , creating an uncomfortable amount of fear and doubt in the others.

Seonghwa stood up, wincing in pain as he did. He tore his gaze from Yeosang, knowing he had to focus on this other thing in order to ensure all of their safety. He rested either of his hands on the shoulder part of the drivers and passengers side seats, leaning forward into the front, in between Yunho and Mingi.

"God...I never thought I'd see this place again." Seonghwa muttered, voice filled with numerous types of pain.

"I didn't know you came from money." Yunho said just as quietly, gazing upon the house both questioningly and with an odd sense of awe. His hands rested on the top of the steering wheel, fiddling anxiously with the peeling fabric.

Seonghwa sighed heavily, his head falling forward. "Ground rules...we need ground rules." He paused, lifting his head again, letting out a breath of pain. "There's a reason I don't associate with these people, and I'd like my past to remain my past. I can't expect everything to remain hidden going in here, especially with who lies inside, but I ask that you all won't try to investigate further. Don't talk to anyone that doesn't talk to you first, don't step out of line, and again, don't try to look into things, please. I don't say this because of deceit or distrust, and I'm sure you can understand that."

He was met with quiet recognition of the things he said, but it was enough for him to move forward.

"Roll down the window and hit that button." Seonghwa turned his head, again wincing at the pain in each and every movement. He pointed to where he mentioned so Yunho could do as he said.

The taller listened without a single word of complaint, reaching out of the van and pressing the small, red button.

Almost immediately the sound of an intercom came to life.

"Who is this? What are you doing here at this hour?" A woman's voice came crackling through the speaker, sounding more annoyed than anything.

"It's Seonghwa." The mentioned answered monotonously, he closed his eyes tight for a moment, taking in a deep breath that hurt his chest. "Let us in."

"S-Seonghwa?" The same voice stuttered, now sounding more intrigued then before, excited even.

The intercom made a sound that showed it was turned off, the gate opening not even a second later.

Seonghwa sighed heavily, looking at the grandiose building, feeling a sense of regret bubble inside. He forced himself to look away, turning back to find Yeosang still unmoving. The regret washed away just as fast as it appeared.

Yunho slowly drove into the property, the gate closing behind the vehicle. He followed around the semicircle path, stopping in front of the staircase that led to the front door.

"Please wait in here." Seonghwa sounded like he was close to begging, obviously forcing himself to move from the pained expressions he showed. He was forcing himself to stay strong for the crew. "I need to check something first."

Not waiting for a reply, Seonghwa pulled open the side door of the van, stepping out on wobbly legs, closing it hard behind himself. Limping around the vehicle and forcing himself up the stairs, he found himself standing before the excessively large doors that he once walked through daily.

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