32: Blood On My Hands

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Don't lose focus.

I swear to god Wooyoung, do not lose it.

You can do this.

You can do this.

Just breathe.

San is right here.

But...I just can't give him any kind of warning.

Fuck, I should've told him what that douchebag looks like, or hell even showed him a picture. Not like I had any of him to begin with, but I could've figured out something.

But nope, we're in for this now. I can't dwell on that. No turning back now.

I've got this.

Beating him, and everyone else here, should be easy. They won't know what hit them.

The room was met with a tense silence, everyone eyeing up their opponents. All except for Wooyoung, who glared straight ahead, and the pathetic excuse of a man that stared straight back at him. For once, Wooyoung didn't back down when he received this type of look from this specific person, he held just as much power now. He would not allow himself to get sucked back into the past.

Sangwook cocked his head to the side, finally looking away to look at the other people in the room. Wooyoung watched with a disgusted look plastered across his features before he remembered where he was and forced himself to remain expressionless. Deep down, he hated the way that man looked at San. He knew that the other two hunters were quick to realize there was a vampire in the room. And that couldn't mean anything good, especially since Wooyoung knew Sangwook's past all too well.

"So, where's everybody from?" A voice filled the room that made Wooyoung internally gag. It was Sangwook's sickening voice, he spoke in an eerily casual manner, a nearly psychotic smirk on his features as he reached for the deck of cards in the middle of the table.

"I don't see how any of that matters." Wooyoung was the first to speak up, his voice deep and laced with venom. He glared straight ahead, ignoring any other looks he was given.

I'm sorry San, but I have to deal with this.

I can't stand on the sidelines for this.

God...how was I ever attracted to this stupid fucker though? Hell, in "love" even. Disgusting.

"Well aren't you a charmer." Sangwook sneered, his smirk turning into a snarl as his eyes looked up and down what was visible of Wooyoung.

"Well?" Wooyoung shrugged, telling himself in the back of his mind to stop engaging. But he couldn't listen to that thought at the moment. "We're here to play cards, so let's play cards."

"I'm just being polite, baby." Sangwook's features hardened, but that sinister smirk remained.

"I am not your fucking baby." Wooyoung hands shook as he spat those words. He saw red in that moment, trying everything in his power to not launch himself across this table. He knew that wouldn't help the situation, but by god was he enraged. "Do not call me that."

"Damn someone's got some attitude." The other hunter in the room remarked, obviously buddy-buddy with Sangwook from the way he looked over at that man, smirking.

Wooyoung kept his mouth shut, trying to stop his hands from shaking. His breath stuttered with every inhale and exhale, which could show many things to anyone who was clueless.

San though, he realized all too well in that moment what just happened. From Wooyoung being so worked up, to that man using that specific word in that way. He scoffed, turning his head away for just a moment before returning it to the star of the night.

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