28: Killer

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Wooyoung really did not like the fact that he and San were being led down a long, quiet, ominous hallway. There were three other unknown people with them, one of them being the higher status looking person that approached the duo after the fight. The other two were assumed to be body guards for him, which really made Wooyoung wonder about the gang dynamics that run around here.

They all seemed to be human, Wooyoung was sure about that fact at least. But that doesn't mean that they're in the clear. These people were dangerous in their own right.

Glancing to his side, Wooyoung was able to tell that San was on edge as well. The vampire didn't show any expression on his face, and seeing as he put his hoodie back on, had both hands in his pockets. For the most part his vision remained forward, only once looking over at Wooyoung.

Letting out a breath, Wooyoung looked forward again as well. There were no words being exchanged, the hallway silent except for the sound of their shoes hitting the floor. Quite frankly, Wooyoung wanted to look behind himself, but kept himself from doing so. He was anxious, but couldn't let it show. Looking around too much would do the opposite of his intentions, it would show his weakness.

Finally after a few corners one of the presumed bodyguards reached for a door, pulling out a key to unlock it. Still no words were exchanged as it was opened, everyone walking inside.

The room proved to be an office space, quite classy considering what environment they left behind. In fact, the more Wooyoung looked around, the more he felt a tightening in his chest. This place seemed to be almost an exact replica of his former boss's office space. Bookcases lining the walls, a grand desk in the middle of the room, a dark demeanor all around them, files upon files everywhere, along with the questionable decor.

It brought back some unwanted memories, yet in the same thought, if this were for whatever strange reason a copy and paste of the same room, then he'd know all of the ins and outs of this place. But that was only a theory.

Wooyoung jumped when the door slammed shut behind him. Concerned, he completely turned his head only to feel his stomach drop. The same man that opened the door now locked them in.

This isn't going to be good.

"So...how long have you been in the fighting business?" Turning back around, Wooyoung couldn't help but feel his eyes narrow at the man now sitting in the desk chair. Hands folded in front of him as if he were some villainous mastermind.

San and Wooyoung took a glance at one another, asking who was going to be the one to speak. There was the most subtle sense of unease behind Wooyoung's eyes, so San took it upon himself to be in charge of this conversation despite the roles they were supposed to fill.

"Off and on since my teen years." San didn't have the nicest of tones when he spoke to the man. "What's that to you?"

"Oh, just curious. You've got some skill kid...a lot of skill." The man had a stone cold expression, not once acknowledging anyone else in the room but San. "And I've never seen you around before."

As San paid full attention to the higher up, Wooyoung took it upon himself to keep his eye on the other people in the room. He only just seemed to realize that one bodyguard must've been waiting in here this entire time, since there were three of them in here, and he was certain that there were only two out in the hallway.

These people wanted to ensure they'd have numbers for whatever was to come.

San let out a sound between a scoff and a chuckle. "Oh? Are you suspicious of me? I haven't been around these parts before. Quite frankly, I don't know what all this is about."

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