06: Cold Tears

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"So..." Wooyoung trailed off after some time of silence and recomposing himself. By now the quiet was too quiet, so he thought he'd at least try to keep to his word with San and be more open minded, in which he'd try to get to know the tall vampire sitting near him. "Have you and your boyfriend known each other for a long time?"

It was the only question Wooyoung could think of that didn't entirely pertain to vampire stuff or anything relating to the gang stuff the taller was involved in. Something more innocent per se.

Mingi was snapped out of his thoughts, somehow appearing tense and relaxed at the same time. He didn't show any form of getting defensive, just taken aback.

"Umm, I guess we have? We've been together about eight years." Mingi answered, slightly smiling to himself as he thought about it. His genuine eyes laid on Wooyoung, "why?"

"Just trying to start conversation." Wooyoung replied with a sigh, drumming his fingers against his cheek. "Trying to not talk about myself cause I've done too much of that recently."

"Yeah...I guess it wouldn't cause any harm to tell you about myself." Mingi muttered, his head slightly nodding, and it seemed almost like he was speaking to himself. "Well, is there anything else you want to ask?"

Wooyoung shrugged his shoulders, bluntly stating, "there's a lot of things I want to ask, but I don't want to know the answers right now."

That kind of took Mingi aback once more. "Oh."

A sound between a sigh and a chuckle emitted from Wooyoung. "I don't know if the things I want to ask are appropriate. That's also why."

Mingi nodded his head, finding that answer more acceptable. "Well, you can still ask, and if I don't want to answer then I won't."

Wooyoung turned his head, looking into Mingi's eyes, trying to find if there was hidden intentions somewhere within. But the taller seemed so genuine Wooyoung didn't know what to do with it.

"You don't come off as someone who'd be involved in all this underground stuff." Wooyoung found himself saying, swallowing hard when he heard his own words, not meaning to say them aloud.

Mingi laughed, eyes forming smaller smiles. "Yeah, well I wasn't involved in it before I met Yunho. Even when we were first together he tried his best to keep me out of it. He didn't want to leave though, because this world is his life, so us not wanting to be apart kind of caused the inevitable. I'm definitely the newest to this lifestyle, I guess you could call it, out of the others."

Wooyoung hummed, head nodding unconsciously. "How long?"

"It's been about six years since Hongjoong officially allowed me in the group and live here." Mingi recalled, speaking honestly.

"So were you human then, when he let you in?" Wooyoung's shock was clear in his voice, brows furrowed as he tried to find the logic behind that. "In a group of vampires."

"Yeah, everyone was really careful though, like how we all are going to be with you around." Mingi shrugged his shoulders as he answered, a lightbulb going off behind his eyes. "Actually, you are allowed to be here way sooner than I was, and I knew Yunho for two years at that point."

Wooyoung scoffed lightly. "Definitely seems that way."

"Going back though, I didn't do anything out of the base. Hongjoong mainly let me organize documents, polish weapons, keep watch of computers and radios, stuff like that. It was a bit tedious, but I was told it was actually a lot of help, mainly cause it let Seonghwa get out of here and on the field with the others." Mingi explained, resting his arm on the counter in a similar manner as Wooyoung.

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