Tales of Athera: The Amber Collection

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"The worlds like stories. They like to have stories told. That's why storytellers are always held in such high esteem. Historians, weavers, artists. All who preserve and retell history are honored. But some places are ancient, unchanging, timeless. Worlds and times unaffected by Entropy. Places where the celestial winds of Fate and Time place storytellers. Places like Alexandria and places like Libros. Places like The Amber Collection. The Amber Collection is an athenaeum realm, a world filled with books and knowledge and stories. An entire realm devoted to the collection of knowledge. Yet, it remains nearly empty. of life. Almost. There are only a few creatures that live in this library. They place the books on the shelves and care for them. They are known as Curators. Most people who choose to stay and care for this place are no longer flesh and bone. That is because all the librarians and storytellers that have entered this place have fully devoted themselves to their craft. Below the public eye, one that casts a long shadow and is near bright enough to light every corner, are chambers devoted to these people. They are transformed, into mites that zip and scurry and crawl throughout the realm. They are not to be feared, or destroyed. They cannot be destroyed, for they have been enchanted with strength beyond any causal mortal creature. They lift books far too large for them and weave banners far too grand and complex for a single mite to create. And yet they do. And every visitor marvels at these creatures, a marvel of thaumaturgy and technology. But, as always, this much knowledge suggests power. And just as Alexandria was turned to ash, so too-"

-A scrap of paper, tucked away in a stone.

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