Tales Of Athera: Parcion

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Director Rorshax watched the procedure through a bulletproof window. In front of him is an alien creature strapped to a medical table. All six of its arms are secured to the table with thick metal bands. They strained and convulsed, trying to escape, but the bonds stayed firm. Five people in hazmat suits stood inside the room. Three were medical professionals, drawing blood from the spasming creature. Next to the door, two armed guards stood, holding rifles. As the doctors drew the final vial of black blood, the creature slowly stilled. 

"And thus is the end of A-26." He turned to the Director next to him: Director Sessax. 

"Indeed. What do you plan to use the blood for?" Sessax asked as he opened the door for Rorshax.

"Thank you," He stepped through as Sessax followed after him. The door opened to a long hallway, periodically filled with the passing researcher or AIT agent.  "This is the blood of a god, my friend." They began to walk down the sterile, white hall. "We don't fully know what it does yet, but I imagine it could help us greatly." They walked to an elevator situated at the end of one of the halls. Director Rorshax pressed the topmost button, and the elevator began to slide down. "Perhaps making one of our AITs better?" He turned to Sessax. "Or maybe leading to a new advancement in technology! Who knows!" The elevator slid down and the doors opened. "This could be a new era!" Both of the men walked through the doors, into the elevator. They slid shut, and the elevator rose upwards. 

"My friend, while I do appreciate your enthusiasm," Sessax chuckled. "I doubt that the Council will allow us to release any of this to the public." The elevator dinged as it reached its destination, and both men stepped out. 

Rorshax shrugged. "Well, at least we could use it for the AITs. Let me walk you out." Both men walked past the bored receptionist who logged down the departure on her computer. Sessax and Rorshax stood just outside the door, looking down at the sleepy town below. 

"Thank you. I will look forward to seeing more of your research." Sessax offered his hand to Rorshax, who took it. With a firm, quick handshake, both men departed. 

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