Tales Of Athera: The Old Crews-PT. 2

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"On the wrecked moon of a former planet, two captains met. One carried a staff, and the other held a pistol. There, they shook all hands and began a great alliance of pirates."-Excerpt from Book 4, Chapter 6 of The History Of The Final Flower. 

The Captain of The Lost Library stood on the asteroid, his ship hanging in orbit just far enough to transmit him, and to easily escape. He was bored and kicked a rock off the edge. It tumbled into space, slowly disappearing. In an electrical flash, another Captain appeared before him. 

"Incipiam. I am Captain Corthaw of The Final Flower."

"I am Captain Lix of The Lost Library."

"We have met here today to discuss a treaty."

"Armistice." Captain Corthaw nodded. 

"Or ceasefire."

"We have fought many times, but we both have suffered many losses. We have gathered here so that no more lifeblood is spilled."

"Aye." Captain Lix nodded.

"Captain, what are your terms?" Captain Corthaw turned away from his scribes to her.

"I propose a final battle. The crew of whoever dies must serve the other Captain."

"No. No more bloodshed." Captain Corthaw turns away, ready to transmit back to his ship. 

Captain Lix chittered, pulled her spear out, and jumps at him. Corthaw grabs the scribe and tosses them to the side and out of danger. He pulls out a ceremonial blade, rusted and dull. He uses it to block the spear, pushing it down. With her other set of arms, Lix pulls out a pistol she took from a former crewmate, loads it, and aims at Corthaw. He sees this, and punches Corthaw in the eye. She stumbles back, onto the edge of the asteroid. She nearly stumbles off, if not for Lix's spear. She grabs it, accidentally dropping the ceremonial blade into the void. Corthaw pulls the spear up from the void, not wanting to kill Lix like that, only for Lix to jump up, and kick Corthaw in the face, causing him to fall backwards, breaking his helmet. Lix runs over, picking up the spear and aiming the pistol at his head. She points the spear at Cothaw's neck. 

"Well played, Lord Corthaw." Lix nodded at Corthaw, ever so slightly. 

"I am in your service." Lix dropped the spear, but continued to aim the pistol. She offered her hand to Lix, who took it. She pulled him back up. 

"We are even then?" 

"We are." 

"Come, I have a mechanist on my ship. Perhaps they can help fix that helmet." The new Lord Corthaw walked with Lix back to her ship, scribes following behind. Surrounding them, the stars blinked and shone like diamonds to be stolen. 

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