Tales of Athera: Collector

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I am alone. Such is the way of my work. I am a simple Collector. I collect stories, those in honey and weave and book and pen. I am one of many. I am just a wanderer, just a number. I am at peace with that; I prefer to have no name and no face. That is why I wear this mask. You do not need to know my face, or my story to tell one. I have heard many stories across the worlds. One of my favorites is The Ashbringer. It tells the story of a man who could not feel pain. He couldn't feel anything, I've also heard it told. And he outlived his family, his town, even his world. So he went crazy, he was bitter and angry at the worlds. So he found a place of knowledge collected: Alexandria. He burned it to the ground, becoming scorched in the process. It's just a children's tale, it is not true, but it serves me as a warning. Knowledge is a light, brightening places of darkness. Unfortunately, though, light can attract other things best left in the dark.

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