Tales Of Athera: The Old Crews-PT. 3

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"Sometime after the Battle Of Pines, The Captain of The Final Flower began a search for great and remarkable powers. And so, she came upon the Psiosorium."

-Expert from Book 5, Chapter 22 of The History Of The Final Flower. 

Two captains stood at the helm of a ship, crewmates scuttering around them. A blue star chart sat in front of them, projecting a series of planets, moons, and dwarfs all orbiting a large oval sun. The sun was wrapped by a network of crisscrossing beams all circling the sun. 

"So we are going to threaten them with..." Lord Corthaw left the question open-ended, looking at the captain next to him. 

"I shall show you. " Captain Lix turned away from the star chart and began walking to the door to the helm. Corthaw followed. The door opened to a hallway. Two guards holding electric swords nodded at the captains. They continued down the way to a locked door. Lix pulled off a small orb attached to her belt, and fit it into the door. The lock clicked, and the door slid open into her quarters. "Come in." 

Lix noticed Corthaw standing awkwardly outside. He walked in and sat on her bed. He looked at her. She looked at him. "No." She turned her back to him and unlocked a safe. Inside, she pulled out an old tattered book. She closed and locked the door before leading Corthaw out of her quarters. As the door closed, she took the orb and hung it back on her belt. Instead of returning to the helm, the captains walked to the common rooms. A few crewmates sitting at tables stood up, but both captains said "At ease." The crew sat down and pretended to ignore the captains. "Do you know what this is, Lord?" Lix asked the other captain in hushed tones. 

"I do not." He clicked his tusks. 

Lix opened the book with fragile and careful claws. "This is an old book. Written by a long forgotten group." The edges of the pages were singed, coal black. "They speak of a way to open your consciousness to those around you. A way to harness our psionic abilities." She chittered with excitement. "May I show you an example?"

Corshax watched on nervously, wondering if his friend and captain was slowly going insane. He nodded slowly, hesitantly.

Lix nodded, then closed her bottom two eyes. The third remained open, but soon became clouded over with a strange purple-black look. Inside his mind, he began to hear his captain speak.

{Can you hear me?}

{I can.}

{Good. I wasn't sure it would actually work.} Images flashed within Corshax's mind. Images of flags bearing their insignia flying over battlefields littered with bodies. Images of cities built in space made from gold and ivory. Images of a million golden thrones. And lastly, an endless armada bearing their colors.

 {With power like this, we can conquer the stars.}

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