Tales 0f Athera: Static on the TV

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Detective: "I've finally got you now, Black Shadow!"

Murderer: "So you have. Tell me, Detective, what is this all for?"

Detective: "Silence, Murderer! You have no right to talk after killing all those people!"

Murderer: "You don't get it. Of course, you don't." 

*Murderer jumps off the box.*

Murderer: "They deserved to die. They killed and destroyed just as I did. Only, I reversed it all.

Detective: "Two wrongs don't make a right."

Murderer: "Oh, you know that's not true."

*Murderer turns to camera*

Murderer: "What, you saying that for the little kiddos out there?"

Murderer: "Well, kids, you need to learn. There is no right and wrong. Only gray. Some of us walk closer to the light side."

*Murderer motions to Detective*

*Murderer points to self*

Murderer: "And some stray closer to the black."

Murderer: "But wait. There's more after this."

*Murderer reaches into the camera*

Outside of the tv, a colored hand appears. It is dressed in a white suit. The Murderer on the TV chuckles. 

(Did this go how you expected from the title?)

"Finally. A way out." She reaches out of the TV and pulls herself through, much to the horror of the family formerly watching a detective movie. They all scream, before the father runs off "to grab a gun." The murderer finishes the sentence. "Huh. No capital letter for murderer. Trying to lessen me?" 

The father returns with a shotgun. 

"There he is." The father aims the shotgun at the murderer. 

"Get out!" He says, screaming. 

(You thought of changing it from present to past.)

"Sir. I am a Murderer. You've seen the things I've survived." The murderer stares at the father. "You really think that little metal bar will stop me? Besides, you'd kill someone in front of your children?" The murderer reaches and pushes the shotgun barrel down to the floor. Quickly, she grabs it and shoots both of the children in the head. The dad collapses in shock, while the mother begins to cry over the bodies of her children.

(Does this mean anything to you? You didn't know them. I am the focus of this.)

The murderer aims the shotgun at the father collapsed on the floor and pulls the trigger. Then, she made her way to the front door. 

(I am not alone." She says.

"Ah, there it is."

"I'm the focus, much as the story hates it."

You are no one go back back you don't belong here you don't belong here. Reality shimmers as the Murderer murderer murderer you are just an antagonist just an antagonist reaches for the door.

"Oh no. I've become more. The Murderer speaks to the air audience. "See. There."

See, I know too much now. I know what's above, and just how far below the tower goes. The Murderer walks to the door, an elegant red and black coat flowing over the white suit. The shotgun changed into a sword? glaive? gun. pistol. It was intricate and decorated with images of hats and books, and a single computer. Trust me, I know. The Murderer, no The Reader yes that's good loads the pistol with glowing green rounds. The Reader opens the door, and says something.

"Wait for the next chapter, dear reader."

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