Tales Of Athera: The Amber Collection-PT.3

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"And what did they call themselves?" Director Sessax asked into the phone. 

"Uhh, GREY EYE, sir." The phone replied.

"Grey Eye? Grey eye, grey eye, grey eye. What does that mean, and what does it remind me of?" He spun in the chair he sat in. "Grey eye! It's the sisters!" He sat up. 


"It's the gray sisters! They each had one eye and tooth. They had grey hair too. Greeks. I thought we put them down a while ago?"

"We did, sir. We still have their bones in storage." 

"Are you sure? Get someone to check." The director's voice was firm.

"Yes, sir. Is that all?" 

"Yes, thank you, Seymore." The phone clicked silent. Director Sessax slowly spun around the room, pondering the situation. The Grey Sisters were back, a man was dead, and there were ripples throughout the multiverse. How did they all connect? As if to answer, the three figures described appeared before him. He nearly jumped out of his seat in surprise. The tall one, dressed in green. The average one, dressed in yellow. The short one, in blue. 

"We shall make this brief-" The blue one spoke first.

"Because," The yellow one starts.

"We missed a funeral for that." The green one motions to the stack of papers, outlining how the Grey "Sisters" visit.

"Have you heard of Alexandria, Director Sessax?" The yellow one leaned onto his metal desk. "Surely you must have."

"But has he heard of The Collection?" The blue one asks. "I don't believe he has." The woman in blue walks to Sessax's side. 

"There was once a great library. It was built by scholars and musicians, architects and mathematicians. It contained so many books that a person could be born, live, and die in The Collection without ever reading a fourth of the books there. But, the problem with all those books?" The blue one leaned in closer. "That's power right there. Power that could raise worlds, or create them." She begins to whisper. "And what happened? Well, that Collection was burnt down by a powerful man." She walked back to the door,and the others followed. "So what does that mean? Not all knowledge should be known. Maybe some things are better off unknown." 

She opened the door to another place, and all three stepped through. The gateway disappeared, to show a fellow director standing in the doorway.

"What the hell was that?!" He yelled.

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