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You were taking care of your little brother during a raid while your dad was outside, most likely trying to kill a Monstrous Nightmare to prove his worth once again or chatting with Gobber and Spitelout while battling Gronckles or Nadder's.

You little brother was asleep so you were staring outside the window, dragons were so beautiful and frankly one of Natures best things to offer. A world without them would be boring, well, you thought a world without them would be boring. You couldn't exactly declare that.

You heard yelling in either terror or victory, some Vikings didn't always make it through the raids. Especially new Vikings with no training.

You saw big wings in the sky flapping around majestically, what kind of dragon was that?

You felt everything getting increasingly hotter around you so you had ran towards where Hiccup was asleep, it was so hot.

You saw fire around you which soon erupted into large and destructive flames.

You looked towards the window for a second before hearing your baby brother begin to laugh, odd. What was so funny?

You saw a large dragon, it wasn't fully grown but large nonetheless.

The dragon had its claw out to your baby brother, what was its intentions?

In a rush of adrenaline you grabbed a knife and pointed the sharp object towards the dragon, you were trembling.

The dragon looked at you and roared in curiosity, why isn't it hurting you?

The dragon had four wings, a flat face and two large horns.

You heard your father coming up the steps quickly.

"Y/n!" He yelled

"Dad? Dad!" You exclaimed

You dropped the knife but before you could process anything you had been bucked onto the nearby dragon and taken into the sky.

"Dad"  You shouted

Stoick The Vast watched you fly off.

"Y/n! Gobber! Get over here!" He screamed

Hiccup began wailing, you saw Gobber limping over before watching in terror. You were on a dragon being flown away to who knows where.

There were multiple dragons flying around the dragon you were on top of, all different species of dragon which was odd since you didn't think they were very social creatures. The Book Of Dragons really needed to be updated.

The dragon turned his head around to where he could see you, intimidating yet cute. Like a Gronckle that got into the fish supply and was sleeping beside it, you were the one to find the Gronckle but you didn't tell.

"Hi?... where are you taking me? Could I go home yet?" You asked

The dragon roared at you before continuing to fly towards unknown places, not even Bucket and Mulch have travelled there.

The dragon seemed to dive into a canyon that was pitch black, multiple dragons followed.

They cave began to glow dimly, light was being filtered in and the place looked magical. Like a dream someone would have.

Waterfalls rushed while moss and grass covering all visible rock showed dragons clinging to it, bedtime for dragons?

The dragon you were on roared before landing on a platform that had multiple caves around it.

You got off of the dragon and looked around, the dragon stood beside you.

You took a look at the dragon and realized that the species was a Stormcutter, Sharp Class dragon. Highly intelligent.

"Is this where you sleep?" You asked

The dragon understood you and nodded, he was male due to characteristics and behaviour.

He roared before laying down against the tall grass and moss.

"Do I lay down too?" You questioned

The dragon lifted two wings, you went over and laid down so that he could use his wings as a blanket for you.

The book of dragons described Stormcutters as dragons you should avoid since you couldn't sneak up on them, they were also pretty large and it would take multiple skilled Vikings to take one out of the sky and that's if you were lucky.

The place seemed so peaceful even if you wanted to go home.

Maybe you'd stay just for a little while, you could never kill dragon anyways and that does Berk absolutely no good.

"Y'know, I'm gonna name you Cloudjumper." You said

The dragon roared and flapped all four wings happily.

Cloudjumper was a pretty good name for a Stormcutter, especially this one that you had just met. He seemed to like it too.

You didn't really like or enjoy the fact that you were left with no resources but it'd do, the dragons in the cave seem to raid lots and bring back food so Cloudjumper and you would most likely end up being well fed.

You didn't want to be a burden towards Cloudjumper but he seemed to really enjoy your presence, why else would he bring you to a sanctuary for dragons if he would think you're a dragon killer?

You looked over seeing Cloudjumper already asleep, you had gotten pretty tired too but you didn't want to end up sleeping and never waking up.

You looked around and saw multiple clinging to walls and or resting on rocks, Changewings, Scuttleclaws and Terrible Terrors. 

Many dragons inhabited the mountains so you were most likely the first Berkian there and the first viking to actually befriend a dragon.

You were getting increasingly tired as the hours passed, you didn't wanna sleep and have something attack you.

You got up after carefully moving Cloudjumper's wings.

You looked down into a canyon that was huge, Seashockers of all sorts were jumping around or sleeping. Beautiful.

Multiple Seashockers jumped in and out of the water, Seashockers weren't exactly something you wanna come in contact with.

You saw Cloudjumper begin to stir so you quickly went over and laid down, He immediately stopped once he realized that you were there and didn't try to escape overnight.

You yawned and stretched before falling asleep hearing dragon roars and echoes everywhere, you'd try to recap all that happened and make a plan to either escape or live in the cave in the morning.

For now you'd get some rest so that you weren't tired the next day, thinking with a tired brain could result in pretty bad ideas and it could also lead to some pretty bad choices.

None of which you wanted to make or think about, too risky anyways.

Haddock Gone Missing - How To Train Your DragonWhere stories live. Discover now