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It was the next day, you had stayed in your regular clothes since you didn't wanna change for something that doesn't get you dirty often.

You picked up your staff and stared at Mercy whom began to shriek, that meant the dragons would carry a fish or two over and feed it to the Seashockers and Bewilderbeast whom keep the place safe. 

The Seashockers assist the Bewilderbeast and the Bewilderbeast assists the other dragons in the mountain.

Cloudjumper dropped a few fish off before flying over to you.

"We'll check up on both at the same time, the Seashockers won't be going hunting today since the Bewilderbeast is all fed." You stated

You hooked your staff onto Cloudjumper's tail before he took off and soon after he swung his tail up so that you could stand on his neck.

The Bewilderbeast turned to see you before he roared, Cloudjumper shook his foot a little when some ice had gotten onto it before he had landed on the rocks where the Bewilderbeast was lowered and near the small pools that the Seashockers were hopping around in.

"You must've gotten a good meal today." You stated

He roared and lowered himself into the water so that he could look you in the eyes.

Cloudjumper roared happily at the Seashockers whilst scuttling around the individual pools of water that they were swimming in.

Gustnudger sat near the pool of rocks and was roaring to the Seashockers, Gustnudger was the friendliest dragon in the mountain and always loved to say "hello".

You looked at a Seashocker whom was attempting to reach a pile of fish that Winged Warden most likely brought them.

You went over and pushed the pile a little closer so that the Seashocker could eat the fish, he roared as thanks before hopping into another pool of water.

You sat down beside Cloudjumper whom was watching both baby Seashockers whom were swimming around near the waterfall.

The Bewilderbeast sent out a small gush of cold air which created ice on a few parts of the waterfall which excites the two, they began to slide on the ice and into the water.

"Should probably get to work." You sighed

You got up and went towards the Bewilderbeast to inspect his tusks that seemed pretty clean.

Being submerged in water with no way to keep your tusks dry had that affect, the Bewilderbeast didn't seem to mind it though since he was a Tidal Class Dragon.

"Cloudjumper." You said

Cloudjumper roared before you got onto his back, the Stormcutter immediately took off.

Cloudjumper glided close to the Bewilderbeast so that you could look at the wings, no, Bewilderbeasts were unable to fly but they did make great tools for swimming.

The left wing seemed pretty good.

Cloudjumper glided towards the tail that was in the water, hard to see but bits of the tail was on the surface so you could go from that.

The tail seemed to be perfectly fine other than a few scratched but that was normal and it wouldn't bother the Bewilderbeast at all when swimming.

His tail was good, you'd need to check the right wing now.

Cloudjumper flew over to the wing that was all scratched up.

Normal for bigger species to have scars on their body either from a fight or from natural causes, especially Tidal Classes.

Everything was good with the Bewilderbeast meaning you'd need to feed the Seashocker's to make sure that they were alright, sometimes the pod forgot to feed themselves when hunting for the Bewilderbeast.

Cloudjumper landed so you got off and went over to the pile of fish that Winged Warden had left for the pod as thanks, the pod and the Windstriker were pretty good friends.

You tossed multiple fish into the air which made all the Seashockers surface, everyone seemed happy and healthy by that.

You passed a fish to the two babies that were still sliding on the melting ice, both were happy to receive food.

"Everything seems good here meaning the pod is prepared to go hunting tomorrow." You stated

The Seashockers roared happily before they all hopped out of the small pools and into the main body of water that went through the whole mountain and out into the open sea.

The younger Seashockers made sure to avoid the Bewilderbeast but the older ones swam right under him knowing that the Bewilderbeast wouldn't do anything.

"I assume our work here is done." You smiled

Cloudjumper roared in agreement before flying up and latching onto the hooked staff, he flew back immediately after.

Once the Stormcutter landed he let go of you.

That's when the sun began to set quickly which triggered the Bewilderbeast to roar, lights out in the sanctuary.

You set your staff on the ground before Cloudjumper used his wings to raise you into the air.

He set you on his wing before closing off the entrance, Cloudjumper was good at doing the protective ball thing because he had gotten worried one time when you almost got burned by a teenage Monstrous Nightmare.

Ever since that incident he had been way more protective of you when danger could be seen, it's a talent that Cloudjumper had gained over the years.

You were great at alerting Cloudjumper about sudden danger, although you were unable to sneak up on a Stormcutter that didn't mean he had eyes everywhere.

When he was watching in front of himself you were watching behind him and vice versa.

Cloudjumper seemed to have fallen asleep easy once again and usually he was the last one awake, he must be tired these days but you don't blame him.

Drago had gotten smarter over the years which gives you and Cloudjumper more work.

You fell asleep at least an hour later since you weren't quite comfortable, it was too hot for some reason but it was most likely a Monstrous Nightmare accidentally lighting itself on fire in the middle of the night.

Most dragons who did that received quite the message in the morning from the Gronckles that inhabited the more rocky areas, it always got too hot there so extra heat was not needed at the slightest. Gronckles got discomforted easily which can disturb them lots unlike other dragons.

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