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Cloudjumper was running around in the sanctuary whilst you were checking the ice to make sure that it wasn't melting, Cloudjumper was watching over the place since The Bewilderbeast was swimming through the water currently.

You heard voices and steps along with multiple dragon roars, most likely Hiccup and Toothless checking the place out with Incognito, Rumpus or Sailback. Maybe a few Skrills.

The Skrills didn't come out of hiding often, they usually kept to theirselves in their nests although you didn't have much Skrills in the sanctuary anyways.

Drago didn't capture Skrills often so you had no reason to take any and bring them to your sanctuary since they didn't really need any help getting back to full health.

You put a finger on the ice that the Bewilderbeast had created, it still had a bright teal colour which meant that it wasn't melting.

Usually The Bewilderbeast's ice would get a little more pale when melting but it didn't melt too often so that was pretty good, If it did melt you'd have Cloudjumper carry over a piece of ice that The Bewilderbeast would create for you.

You heard more whispers and footsteps, they were going down the tunnel but the dragon roars were gone, you quickly went to the corner and grabbed your staff just incase something that was a threat was actually there. 

You never know when something was up in the mountain since there were many dragons to mask the sense of danger.

You walked back over to the ice to stare at it, you would check everything out later since it was most likely just other dragons like Gustnudger.

Gustnudger ran around the tunnels often, especially with a few Thornridge. Gustnudger was friends with the Thornridge's since sometimes he takes care of their kids which lets the Thornridge's warm up to him.

You heard even more whispering and when you turned around you had seen a man you haven't seen in years, Gobber The Belch.

You stared back in silence, Gobber was the man that used to care for you when your dad couldn't. Gobber was a kind person although he could be a little rough.

He stepped back into the cave and you heard even more talking including Hiccup's distressed voice and Gobber speaking to another person whom isn't Hiccup, you kept watching knowing exactly who'd step out again.

Your father walked out and seemed to have stopped in his tracks, you were pretty shocked because you never knew that the day would come.

"Hello dad." You said

He seemed to get closer really quickly to hug you, you were expecting yelling. Anyone would in your position.

"Thank Odin you're alive." Dad stated

"That's what I was trying to tell you." Hiccup sighed

"Could we go Stoick? Grump is waiting." Gobber said

"Oh! That's right! According to Hiccup you all have dragons, which is exactly why Cloudjumper should join us." You said

"Cloudjumper is a Stormcutter, long story." Hiccup spoke

You let the staff fall to the ground and you rocked it back and forth quickly.

You heard a dragon shriek and Cloudjumper flew over Gobber and Hiccup before landing beside you to inspect the room.

Cloudjumper roared and soon two dragons came bounding into the cave, a Rumblehorn and a Hotburple whom Cloudjumper seemed to have already met.

"Skullcrusher! How'd you get here?" Dad asked

Skullcrusher was the Rumblehorn.

"Grumpy!" Gobber fell to the ground because the dragon tackled him

Skullcrusher roared at Cloudjumper happily before Grump roared at you.

"I haven't seen a Rumblehorn in forever, Drago doesn't have much nor can he catch them a lot of times." You informed

"Now that we're all good and reunited, let's go eat. I'm hungry!" Gobber exclaimed

"Yeah! Let's go Y/n!" Hiccup said

"We need to head back to Berk." Stoick ordered

"Not after we eat! Free food!" Gobber smiled

"Well then." You shrugged

You walked past Hiccup and into the tunnel, once you were out you had raised your staff and you hooked it onto Cloudjumper's tail.

Cloudjumper flew off, you watched Gobber, Hiccup and your dad get onto their dragons and begin following Cloudjumper.

Cloudjumper roared happily before landing on the ledge and entering the cave where you could cook properly although you weren't all that good.

"Skullcrusher! There!" Dad shouted

Skullcrusher landed before running into the cave, your dad and Gobber then came in with Grump, Toothless and Hiccup.

"Half of this place is filled with Lychee, I really don't know how to make anything else other than fish and Lychee." You informed

"Should've taught you more, move out of the way. Come on Grump!" Gobber smiled

Grump came over and stared at Gobber before igniting a piece of wood and grabbing a piece of mutton from Grumps mouth?...

"Yeah- you can eat that-" Hiccup gagged

"I'm good." You said

"How about you make some fish." Gobber suggested

Gobber sighed before putting the piece of mutton in Grumps mouth, he then took a fish out of a nearby basket and closed it which Grump didn't like all too much.

"Cloudjumper, pass me that?" You asked

Cloudjumper roared before using his talon to stab into a raw piece of fish, you had retrieved it from the Seashockers long ago.

You took it off Cloudjumper's talon before hopping onto his back.

"Hiccup! Come!" You exclaimed

"Let's go Toothless!" Hiccup said

Toothless ran over and let Hiccup on top of him before taking off after Cloudjumper, you tossed the fish to Hiccup as you and him hovered over The Bewilderbeast.

"What do I do with this?" Hiccup asked

"Throw it to him! You smiled

"Okay?..." He replied hesitantly

He dropped the fish and The Bewilderbeast surfaced to catch it, the Seashockers jumped out of the water happily to greet you.

"I haven't seen this much Seashockers in forever! Especially trained and docile towards other dragons!" Hiccup shared

"These Seashockers assist The Bewilderbeast and even other dragons, they're usually out hunting for him and at nighttime they illuminate the water." You informed

"Fishlegs needs to hear about this." Hiccup stated

"Fishlegs? You mean Fishlegs Ingerman?" You asked

"Yeah! Fishlegs Ingerman, Astrid Hofferson, Snotlout Jorgenson along with Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston are my friends! Pretty shocked about it to this day." Hiccup shrugged

"I never had a close friend group, lucky you changed Berk!" You smiled

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