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Hiccup got onto Toothless and quickly pulled up, Cloudjumper did so too before disappearing behind the seastacks.

"Glad to see Cloudjumper again." Toothless smiled

"Same to Toothless, Bullhook must've hurt." You replied

Cloudjumper roared at Toothless and Toothless roared back happily.

"What's the plan here?" You asked

Hiccup had two red pieces of cloth in his hand, you knew where this was going and so far you really liked the idea.

"Put this around Cloudjumper's head. Make sure you hold it. Block out The Bewilderbeast, if it's even possible." Hiccup informed

"You trust me old friend?" You questioned

Cloudjumper roared at you before you wrapped it around his eyes, you knelt on his back to keep it there.

Toothless roared at Hiccup before clamping down on his own teeth.

"We'll try again, this time we'll make sure that you two don't lose us." Hiccup smiled

"Promise." You added

Hiccup flew on top of the village and Cloudjumper flew above.

"Go get him babe!" Astrid cheered

"Whoo! Y/n!" Ruffnut shouted

"Do something! Get those dragons!" Drago ordered

Drago relied on his own instincts, dominate and overpower dragons using another dragon. It was also his greatest weakness. Cant control something that can't hear or see you.

Finding ways around Drago was hard, give him that but he always used fear to put others in submission. Drago didn't know what to do when he couldn't, fear controlled his Bewilderbeast.

Cloudjumper roared when The Bewilderbeast faltered, you held his ears and so did Hiccup once more when The Bewilderbeast tried.

"Get Drago off that dragon!" Hiccup exclaimed

"I can try! Still got that flight suit intact and the sword?" You asked

"Yup! All set!" Hiccup responded

"Get in there! Bring me! Use Toothless and Cloudjumper as a distraction! Then fly with me over and light The Bewilderbeast up! I'll use the staff to get Drago off and drop his Bullhook! We can't be too careful though so try to get the dragon worn out!" You shouted

"Good plan, we'll do it after a few more hits like you said. Confuse it!" Hiccup said

The Bewilderbeast roared as Drago hit it using his Bullhook in anger, you felt remorse for the dragon. He didn't want to harm anyone.

Drago abused the dragon for years most likely, no dragon should have to go through whatever that Bewilderbeast was going through.

Your Bewilderbeast and his Bewilderbeast both didn't wanna battle each other and you noticed that, the two genuinely wanted to be friends although Drago was in the way so they had fought. Luckily, your Bewilderbeast didn't die when he was about to strike.

Cloudjumper roared before blasting a stream of fire on The Bewilderbeast which caught it off guard and distracted him, Toothless quickly came around and blasted The Bewilderbeast.

"Ruff! Tuff! Make some noise! Distract him!" Hiccup ordered

Berkian's gasped upon seeing your face, they somehow recognized you after years and boy were hey happy to see you.

Cloudjumper shrieked before moving out of the way when The Bewilderbeast blasted him using ice, dragons near The Bewilderbeast watched.

Drago was too distracted to call a command to them, it was exactly what you wanted.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut were shouting which made it even harder for The Alpha to focus on one thing, he's got Toothless and Hiccup blasting along with you and Cloudjumper while Drago was shouting orders and Ruffnut and Tuffnut were making noise. Hard to concentrate.

"Hiccup! Get under the dragon and blast! It'll throw him off!" You informed

Cloudjumper tucked his wings in and began diving so Toothless did the same and went under The Bewilderbeast, Toothless roared before firing a Plasma Blast and then Cloudjumper fired a strong stream of fire.

"Cloudjumper! The tail!" You warned

Cloudjumper quickly got out of the way since the dragons tail was coming for him, you heard Drago shouting in frustration which was something you've never heard before.

The Bewilderbeast sent out a command to both Toothless and Cloudjumper but failed once more, it failed due to the blindfold along with Hiccup and you covering their ears.

They were unable to hear the commands being called, The Bewilderbeast was getting tired.

"Fight back! Do something! Don't let them win!" Drago screamed

He stabbed The Bewilderbeast with his Bullhook and it roared out in pain before blasting ice at both Ruffnut and Tuffnut which made them stop making noise.

Ruffnut ran into Eret's arms dramatically and he pushed her off immediately, Ruffnut was trying to hard for him and even Tuffnut could see it.

Toothless glided behind a seastack so Cloudjumper flew over and hovered beside Hiccup and Toothless, he was gonna explain the plan that would commence pretty soon.

"Toothless, follow Cloudjumper after me and Y/n hop off to go to Drago." Hiccup ordered

Toothless roared in response and Cloudjumper roared back happily.

"We need to be really in sync about this so that we don't end up dying or getting frozen by The Bewilderbeast. Once both dragons begin to pull up hop off, I'll then grab onto you and ignite it so that you can get Drago off that dragon." Hiccup said

"We need to get him away from that Bullhook so we'll need to be quick about it, once Drago falls and drops the weapon we'll get back on our dragons and quickly confiscate it. That Bullhook can practically be the death of us if he gets back on The Bewilderbeast afterwards, when he tries to grab it you can stop him and I'll get it." You added

"Exactly, this better work because Berk isn't something I wanna lose. Still need to teach me how to become chief." Hiccup laughed

"Oh, you'll be great! After this it'll practically seem like nothing." You reassured

"Okay! Let's do this bud!" Hiccup smiled

"Go Cloudjumper!" You exclaimed

You held his blindfold and he followed Toothless out from behind the Seastack, Berkian's cheered proudly. Especially Astrid.

Astrid was Hiccups girlfriend or your sister-in-law, you fully supported it since Astrid was pretty sweet. At least it wasn't Ruffnut.

If it was Ruffnut you would probably be sitting in the sanctuary with the Seashockers and Bewilderbeast but that was your opinion on if Hiccup and Ruffnut ever got together, pretty unlikely but still could happen which was pretty disgusting to think about.

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