Chapter 11

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Word Count: 1268


Y/n Pov:
The teacher had assigned us to sort onion root tips into mitosis. Since Jasper didn't have a partner Mr. Molina let him work with Alice and I.

As Alice was looking through the microscope I looked at Bella and Edwaed to see them talking. Finally. It's good that Bella is able to talk to him now. The assignment went by quick since Alice and Jasper already knew most of it.

The bell rang a bit later meaning it was the end of school. I grabbed my stuff and walked out the school with Alice and Jasper. "I enjoyed hanging out with you today" Alice says "Maybe we could hang out this weekend or sometime soon".

"That sounds nice" I reply with a grin "Just text or call me about what you guys want to do". Jasper nods "Will do". Once we made to the parking lot Alice gives me a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow". I wrap my arms around her "Mhm". I heard her softly sniff as if she was smelling me. Maybe she just has something in her nose.

We pull away and I look at Jasper. He just stood there before stepping forward to wrap his arms around me "I'll see you later". We pull away and I give a soft smile. "You tell me if Wyatt tried anything again, alright?" he ask. I nod my head "I will. Don't worry".

I then wave bye to the two and walk to where Bella was parked. "I saw you and Edward talking. What was that about?" I asked, a grin on my face. Bella chuckles "N-not much. He kinda just kept to himself. He asked a hit about me though". "That's a start" I say. "Mhm" Bella replies.


3rd Pov:
Y/n starts to walk away from Bella to get to the passenger side of the car, but before she reaches the other side the two girls hear tires screech and a car horns blaring.

They turn to see Tyler's van hurtle towards them. Without a second thought Bella pushes Y/n out of harms way. "Bella!" she yells, hitting the pavement. Her elbows and palms scraped against the rough surface, causing blood to flow out the small wounds.

She frantically gets up to grab Bella, but before she can Edward suddenly appears and stops the car from hitting her. Y/n stares at the two dumbfounded. Bella and Edward just looking at eachother, all 3 of their breaths trembling.

Edward looks at the two girls one last time before getting up to jump over the truck and walk away. Jasper, Alice, and Rosalie quickly get into their cars to get to Carlisle at the hospital.

Y/n and Bella stay in their places in shock. Both of them wondering how Edward got to Bella so fast. The both of them didn't move until everyone rushed towards them to see what happened. All of them clamor as they got closer.

"Bella, are you alright?" Mike ask her as he helps her up. Bella still in shock just looks around. "Y/n! How about you, are you alright?" Angela questions Y/n. She grabs her arm and sees the scratches on her hands and elbows "Oh my". Many people were telling each other to call 911, some of people already having them on the phone.


Y/n Pov:
I was sitting next to Bella on a hospital bed as we were both getting checked on. The nurse was putting a bandage on my elbow as I hear the door open. I turn my head to see Charle walking in.

"Bella, Y/n, you guys alright?" he questions. He walks by Tyler, pointing a finger at him "Me and you are gonna have a talk later". He then stands in front of us "You two alright?".

"We're fine Mr. Swan" I say with a small smile. He notices me getting bandaged "Are you sure?". I nod my head "Mhm, I'm sure. Just a little scratch here and there".

"Bella, Y/n, I'm so sorry. I really tried to stop" Tyler apologizes while getting the cut on his head cleaned. "I know" Bella assures "It's okay". "No. It's sure as hell not okay" Charlie says with a stern voice, looking at Tyler. "Dad, it wasn't his fault" Bella defends. I nod my head in agreement.

"You two could've been killed. You guys understand that?" he asks. "But we weren't" I reply. "Yeah" Bella agrees. Charlie looks back at Tyler "You can kiss your license goodbye". I sigh, feeling bad for the boy.

The door opens again and in walks a doctor with pale skin and blonde hair. "I heard the Cheif's and his assistants daughters were here" he says. Charlie looks at the doctor "Oh, Dr. Cullen". "Charlie" Dr. Cullen says in response.

"I've got this one, Jackie" he takes the clipboard from the nurse as she walks away "Isabella. Y/n". The girl next to me corrects him "Bella". "Well, Bella and Y/n it looks like you two took quite the spill" he tells us. "How are you guys feeling?" he questions.


"We're alright"

He takes a small flashlight out and checks Bella's eyes. He starts to say a whole bunch of stuff, basically saying that we're alright. He then moves the flashlight to my eyes and puts a finger out. I stare at it as he shines the light in my eyes. When he pulls away I notice that his eyes are the same color as Alice's and Jasper's, just a little darker though.

"You know, it would've been a lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way" Bella tells him. "She's right. Bella was able to push me away before Edward came and got her" I say.

Confusion spreads across Charlie's face. "Edward? Your boy?" he looks at Carlisle. "Yeah, it was amazing. I mean, he got to me so fast. He wasn't even no where near me". Carlisle smiles at her "Sounds like you were very lucky. Charlie". He then walks away from us.


The three of us walk into the waiting room. "I have to sign some papers work" Charlie tells us "Y/n, your dad will be here soon to sign some too". "You should probably call your mom" he sighs.

"Did you tell her?" Bella asks him. He makes an 'of course' gesture. Bella groans "She's probably just freaking out". She walks away to call her mom as I sit in a chair.

I see Alice and Jasper walk into the room and happily wave to them. Alice sees me and comes over with a bounce in each step, Jasper right behind her with a soft smile on his face.
I stand up as Alice wraps her arms around me for an embrace. "Hey" she says before pulling away. "Are you alright?" she asks with worry in her eyes. I nod my head "Yeah, I'm alright".

"That's good" Jasper says before pulling me into a hug. He felt a bit tense so I hesitated before wrapping my arms around him. It did feel nice to hug him, even if he was a bit cold. "I'm glad your okay" he pulls away, the smile still on his face. I reciprocate the smile.

The moment was then ruined as Edward came into the room with a straight face. "Alice, Jasper, let's go". Alice gives me one last hug "See you later, Y/n". Jasper waved goodbye to me. "See you guys later" I say before they walk away with Edward.


A/N: Hi! I hope that you guys enjoyed the chapter. So I already have about 2 chapter already written but I'll be publishing them later. I wanted to tell you guys that because my updates may slow down or my chapters will be shorter because of school. Anyways, make sure to tak care of yourselves and to have a good day/night!💕

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