Chapter 25

931 28 10

Word Count: 834


3rd Pov:
Y/n pulled themselves closer to Jasper as they watched the girl on the screen frantically run away from the killer. "Did you really have to pick a scary movie?" Alice asked from the other side of Jasper, keeping herself close to him in fear.

Jasper softly laughed and looked at Alice. "Sweetheart, you're a vampire that hunts after animals. This shouldn't be that scary to you". "That's different!" Alice defended, "This has jump scares".

Thr two girls jumped beside their boyfriend as the killer jumped into the screen. "See!" Alice said, looking at Jasper with a glare. "It's alright" Jasper smirked, chuckling. "I'll protect you both" he said, pulling his mates closer to him.

Y/n wrapped their arm around Jaspers front and held Alice's free hand. For the rest of the movie, the two of them jumped when a jump scare happened and Jasper would softly laugh and comfort them.

When the movie was over, Alice rushed to turn it off as Y/n sighed and turned towards Jasper. "You" they began in a stern tone, pointing a finger to his chest, "Are never allowed to pick another movie".

Jasper gently grabbed their hand and leaned in with a sly smile. "Whatever you say, darlin'" he said, pressing his lips against theirs. Y/n happily reciprocated the kiss as she ran a hand through his blond hair.

Jasper deepened the kiss and ran his hand along her thigh, dragging it up to rest on her waist. Alice smirked as she saw the two and walked to the couch. She sat down on her knees behind Y/n.

"Rude of you guys to leave me out" she chuckled, softly kissing Y/ns neck. Y/n softly gasped as she pulled away from Jasper before mumbling, "We're sorry". "Mhm" Jasper agrees with a sly smile.

Alice turns Y/ns head to face her, pressing her lips against theirs. Jasper admiringly watches the duo and moves in to kiss Y/ns neck, softly sucking on the skin.

Y/n Pov:
A soft moan slips out of my mouth as Jasper bites the skin. I grab his hand to bring to my pants but before they even reach the waistband he pulls away.

My brows furrow in concern as he shakes his head at me. I thought it was all going so well. What's wrong now? I put a hand on his arm as I move closer to him, Alice following behind me. "What's wrong?".

He smiles at us and moves his hand to cradle my face. "Nothing, darlin'. It's just something like that needs to wait until later, when you turn.". "When I turn?" I question, "Like into a vampire?". Deep down I knew that something like this was bound to happen. I mean, how can you be with a vampire and not get turned into one?

"Yes, my love," Alice answers, "It'll be safer once you turn. If you're okay with that?". It's a big change and I'm not even sure if I want to do that. There'd be so many benefits to it. I'd live forever with the people I love and have new abilities. But then I'd never be able to see my family or friends again. I'd have the other Cullens and Bella but they have their own things.

"Well I-," I hesitate to answer. It's such a big decision. Jasper holds my hand and I feel a wave of calmness rush over me. "Breathe, hun. You can take your time if you need to.". He softly smiles at me and I nod my head. "Okay," I look between the both of them, "Would it be okay to at least wait until after graduation?".

"Of course, beautiful" Alice replies with a grin, "Whatever you want". "Exactly what she said, darlin'" Jasper agrees. "Thank you guys" I say before kissing the both of them. 

"You're welcome, Y/n.".

"No problem, N/n."

3rd Pov:

Y/n stretches her arms with a big yawn as they rub their eyes. "You need to get some sleep" Alice tells her as she stands up. "But what about you guys?" Y/n asks her significant others. "We'll be fine, lovely. Don't worry about us," Alice assures her before picking her up bridal style.

Jasper gets up and follows the two as Alice asks Y/n where her room is. "It's the last door on the left" she answers, the three of them going up the stairs. The throuple walk into the room and Alice lays Y/n down before laying next to her.

Jasper follows as he lays on the opposite side of Y/n and wraps an arm around her. "Rest well, sweetheart. We got you.". Y/n hums softly and nods her head as she snuggles closer to the two. "Good night, my loves.".

The other two day their good nights as they watch Y/n fall into a peaceful sleep, making sure they were there for any need.

Another update finally!! I apologize for not updating as much I just haven't had as much motivation with writing this and school has gotten in the way sm. But I'm starting to write on my laptop so hopefully that'll help with updates more. Also I'm sorry if the kissing part wasn't so good I haven't written a lot of stuff like that before.

But hopefully you all liked this chapter! I hope you all have a good day/night and remember to take care of yourselves! <33

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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