Chapter 21

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Word Count: 1401

(f/f) = favorite/food


Y/n Pov:
The rest of my classes went fine. Wyatt finally learnt how to leave me alone. At least I think so. He didn't talk to me during class but he kept on looking at me.

"You ready?" Alice happily ask me, almost skipping as we head to her car. "A little. I'm still pretty nervous" I answer. My hands were practically shaking.

Jasper grabs my hand and it's like instantly I feel better. "It'll be alright, darling. Everything will go fine". I let a deep breath out and nod my head "You're right. Everything will be fine".

"Mhm" Jasper hums before kissing my head. He then opens the passenger door for me and I get in. He closes the door after I buckle and gets into the back seat.

Alice grins as she starts the car "Let's do this!"


The drive to their house wasn't that long. Forks was small and they lived just right outside of it.

I looked through the window as we pulled into the house. "Woah" I quietly exclaim. Their house was big and fancy. I hear a whoosh before my door was opened by Jasper. He held his hand out for me "My lady".

I softly chuckle and take his hand "Thank you". We walk together as Alice leads the way into the house. When we get into the house I take my jacket and shoes off. "Oh, here. I can take that" Alice nods at my jacket and I give it to her with a thankful smile.

She hangs the jacket and looks at me with a grin. "So," she gestures around her "What do you think?". "It's really nice" I say in awe, looking at the different things in the house. The most noticeable thing being all of the windows.

"Um..." I hesitate "Why all the windows?". "This is the only place where we can truly be ourselves. We don't have to worry about anyone seeing us here" Alice explains. I nod my head "Oh".

"Here" She grabs my hand "Let's go meet the others". Jasper follows behind us as Alice walks us into the kitchen. As we walk in I see the others cooking. Carlisle and Esme stop to greet me.

"Hi, Y/n. We're making (f/f) for you" Esme says. "Y/n, this is Esme" Jasper introduces "She's basically our mother". I shyly wave with a smile "Hello, it's nice to meet you" "You've given us a reason to use the kitchen for the first time" Carlisle tells me. "I hope you're hungry" Esme adds.

"Oh...I could eat" I say. I know it would feel weird to be the only eating in front of a whole bunch of people but I didn't want to be rude. Also I was a little hungry.

Esme grins and goes back into the kitchen "Perfect! I'll get your plate ready". Carlisle chuckles as he glances at his wife "She was excited when we found out we would be using the kitchen for the first time in forever". "Well I'm glad that I could help with that" I softly laugh.

"You can sit anywhere at the table while we get your plate" Carlisle says as he gestures to the dining table. I nod my head "Thank you". "Oh!" Alice exclaims "I almost forgot" she gestures her hand towards Rosalie and Emmet "You probably already know but that's Rosalie and Emmet".

Emmet wave sat me with a knife in his hand and Rosalie gives a small wave. I wave again at the couple. "Hi" I softly smile. Jasper, Alice and I walk to the table to sit down. Jasper was on my right and Alice on my left.

Rosalie and Emmet sat together a few seats down on the opposite side of the table. Esme then walks in with a plate of food and a cup of water as Carlisle follows behind her. He sits at the head of the table and Esme puts the plate and cup in front of me. "Here you go. I hope you enjoy" she says with warm smile.

I look at her "Thank you". I wait for her to sit down before I take my first bite of food. "Mmm" I hum in delight "This is really good". "I'm glad that you think so" Carlisle tells me. After a few more bites of food and small talk Rosalie speaks up.

"Hey, Y/n?"

I look up at her "Yes?". "You know you can't tell anyone about this right?" she ask. "No humans are supposed to know about us". "She's right" Emmet agrees. "No one can know or else we'll get in trouble with the Volturi".

I shake my head "I would never tell anyone". I look around at the others "I promise". Rosalie softly smiles at me "Thank you". I send a small smile back at her and continue to eat.


3rd Pov:

"Thank you guys for making the food"
Y/n tells the others as she finished her food. "It was no problem really" Esme assures. Y/n gets up with their dishes in their hand before someone grabs it from them.

"Here, I can take those" Jasper says. "Oh, thank you" Y/n hands him the dishes. Alice eagerly grabs their hand and starts to pull them out of the room. "I have some stuff to show you!".

"It was nice meeting you guys" Y/n hurriedly says before they leave the room.

"It was nice meeting you too!"

"I'm glad you could come over!"

Esme and Carlisle call after the couple.

"Alice, be careful when going up the stairs!" Jasper quickly follows after the girls. "I know!" Alice says. Jasper soon catches up to the girls.

The three continue to walk through the house until they reach a room. Alice opens the door and leads Y/n inside. "This is our room" Alice gestures at it with a spread arm.

The room was big, a lot bigger then Y/n thought it would be. A wall of the room was made of windows with its curtains drawn. On the wall there was a door that lead a balcony that had a view of the woods. There was a table near the side of the room with different fabrics at side and some sewing stuff on the top. Near that there was a bookshelf, from what Y/n could see the books were a bit older. Then there was a door that Y/n guessed lead to the closet. A king sized bed with dark blue satin covers laid near the wall. At the foot of the bed was a guitar on its stand.

There was other stuff that laid around the room that defined Jasper and Alice. Such as a vanity clutered with beauty products and vintage posters and objects that hung along the wall.

"Come sit, darlin'" Jasper put a hand on Y/ns lower back and lead them to the bed. Y/n sat at the end of the bed and immediately laid back. The bed felt like clouds and the sheets were smooth and soft.

"Wow" Y/n chuckles in amazement. Alice softly laughs at the girl and lays next to her "Comfy?". Y/n looks at the girl with a grin "Definitely". Alice sits back up to scoot towards the head of the bed. Y/n follows after them. They then look over at Jasper to see him still standing up, an adoring smile on his face as he looks at them.

Y/n holds a hand out to him "Lay with us". A smirk appears on his face before he moves to lays with them. Alice on
Y/ns left and Jasper on their right.

Y/n rest their head on Jaspers chest as he rest his arm under their neck. Y/n grabs Alice's hand and Alice moves to put her head on Y/ns back. The coldness of their skin was no longer foreign to her. It had becomed a source of comfort for the girl now.

"I love you Alice, Jasper" Y/n mumbles, knowing they could hear her perfectly.

"I love you too, doll" Jasper replies.

Y/n feels Alice press a kiss on their back before saying "I love you too". Y/n softly smiles to herself. The three cuddled as
Y/n felt herself slowly fall asleep.


A/n: And another chapter is done! I saw the comments about the conversation with Bella in the last chapter so I will definitely be adding that in the story! I apologize if meeting the family wasnt very good. I wasnt sure to make it (if that makes sense). I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though and I hope you have a good day/night :)! Also make sure to stay hydrated and take care of yourselves <3!

Jasper x Reader x AliceWhere stories live. Discover now