Chapter 15

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Word Count: 1060


Y/n Pov:
It was the next day now and I was getting ready to go out with Alice and Jasper. As I was finishing I hear a knock on the front door and I begin to hurry up. "Y/n!" Willow calls. "Someone's here for you!".

"Coming!" I yell back. I quickly grab my phone and make my way downstairs. I see Alice and Jasper waiting for me by the front door. "Hey Y/n" Alice greets. "You ready to go?".

"Yeah" I answer. I look and Willow and see Dad walk in the room "I'll see you guys later". "Bring her back before 8pm" Dad demands. Jasper politely smiles at him "Will do, sir". "Bye Y/n" Willow waves. Dad waves goodbye too.

I go out of the house with Alice and Jasper and head to their silver Jeep. Jasper opens the passenger side door for me. I thank him and get in the car, he shuts the door once I do.

Alice gets on the driver's seat as Jasper gets in the back. "So what are we doing?" I ask them. "It's a surprise" Alice answers with a smirk.

We continue to drive until we reach the destination. I get out of car and look at the building in front of us. "Bowling?" I think aloud. "Mhm" Alice hums. "Jasper and I thought that it sounded fun".

"We haven't tried bowling yet. This is our first time" Jasper tells me as we walk in. "Really?" I laugh softly. "Yep" he says. We check in with the person in the front, getting our bowling shoes from them.

When we get to our area I go to the stand with the device to set up the score count. I then get my shoes on and go grab a ball. "So we just have to get all the pins down, right?" Alice asks. "Yeah, the more pins down the more points you get" I answer.

"Sounds good to me" Jasper voices. The order for us was me, Alice, and then Jasper. I go up to roll and get 7 out of 10 pins down. Alice and Jasper cheer for me as I turn around. "That was good!" Alice compliments. I smile and thank her "Thanks".

She goes up next and gets one less then me. I still cheer for her as she comes back. Jasper goes next and hits all of them down. "What?!" I exclaim. "I thought you never did this before?"

Jasper chuckles with a smirk "I guess it's beginners luck, sweetheart". I look at Alice to see how she reacted to the pet name to only see her smiling at the two of us.

We continue to some more, Jasper getting the most points with Alice not far behind him. "I'm gonna get some food. You guys want some?" I ask the both of them. Jasper shakes his head as Alice says "No". "I can still come with you though" Alice suggest. I nod my head, "That's fine".

The both of us head to the food stand near the front. "Hi! What can I get for you guys?" the worker asks. "Just a cheese pretzel, please" I answer. The worker taps the machine a bit, "Alright, that'll be 3 dollars".

I take my wallet out when Alice gently pushes my hand away, "I got it". "Alice, it's 3 dollars. I got it". I tell her in a serious tone. "But-" she begins, but before she can finish I quickly hand the worker the cash. They hand me back the change and go get the food.

"I could've paid for that" Alice notes. "Yes, you could've" I agree, "But you and Jasper already bought me here and paid for me. It's only fair I pay for my own food". The worker comes back with the food in hand and gives it to me, "Here you go".

"Thank you" I smile at them. Me and Alice then go back to our seats. "Took you guys long enough" Jasper jokes. "Well, we're here now" Alice tells him. I sit down to eat and watch them take their turns.

We continue to play some more, cheering for each other when we hit pins down.


"How did you win?" I laugh, walking out of the building. Jasper chuckles, walking next to me, "Like I said, beginners luck". "There's no way that's beginners luck! You have to have like some powers or something" I deny. "Powers?" Alice laughs softly.

"Yes, powers!" I gesture to Jasper, "He almost got 10 out of 10 the whole time". Jasper just shakes his head and continues to laugh. When we get to the car he opens the door for me again. "Thank you" I tell him before he shuts it.

Alice and Jasper get into their seats from before. Alice starts the car and we make our way back home.


3rd Pov:
"Thank you guys. I had a really fun time" Y/n tells the two. They were walking with her to the front door. "Of course!" Alice says, " I had fun too. If you want to we can hang out again?". Y/n nods their head, "Yeah, that sounds good".

When they get to the door Y/n turns to face the two, "I guess I'll see you guys later". "Mhm" Alice goes to hug them, "See you later". As Alice pulls away she kisses Y/n softly on the cheek. She looks at the girl for a reaction, and she's met with a warm smile from the girl, their cheeks a shade of pink.

Jasper moves to hug Y/n, "Goodbye, darling". Y/n hugs him back, "Bye, Jasper". As he pulls away he gently grabs Y/ns hand and presses a kiss against her knuckles.

Alive smiles at Y/n before her and Jasper walk away to their car. Y/n walks in the house with a giddy smile on their face.

Y/n hears a squeal and turns to see Willow standing by the window. "You guys kissed!". "Willow!" Y/n groaned. "Dad's probably gonna freak out now".
"Who kissed who?" Y/n could hear her dad walking to the room now.

"Oh, it's fine. He'll be alright with it" Willow assures the teen. "If not I'll make him". Y/n chuckles at the women's words, "If you say so".


A/N: Hello! I apologize if this chapter wasn't as good. I wanted the 3 to hang out and have a bit of romance but I wasn't sure how to do it. Anyways, I hope that you guys have a good day/night and make sure to take care of yourselves💕

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