Chapter 10

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As you was waiting you saw so many people walking by, you leaned against the wall by the entrance of the police station. That's when someone came up riding a bike. It was a black motorcycle it was shiny and you can tell the person riding it loves it and takes care of it. When the person took off their helmet it was Lucas.

"No way! You ride a bike?!" You asked him shocked.

He gave a small laugh and nodded his head at you. He then passed you a helmet. "You have to wear this okay." He said to you.

"Okay, thank you Lucas." You smiled at him and took the helmet. That's when he put his helmet on.

You put it on too and climbed on, wrapping your arms around his waist and holding him tightly. Unknown, to you he was blushing and thanking God he is wearing a helmet so no one else can see.

He started to ride off avoiding the cars and people when needed. You looked at the scene that was going by and smiled as you saw everything.

Not too long later you arrived at the house, you took off the helmet and walked with Lucas to the house. You stopped when you saw it, shocked at the fact they lived there.

"You really live here?" You asked him

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"You really live here?" You asked him.

Lucas nodded and went to the door, he walked in and once you was in he closed the door. He then showed you to the living room. "Hey guys I'm back." He said to everyone else.

You looked at them with a smile on their face, the other three boys ran over to you and said things really fast that you couldn't even understand them when they was talking. "Guys! Calm down I can't understand you!" You said to them.

They all calmed down some and looked at you that's when they started to speak again. "Are you okay?!"

"What happened?"

"Are you hurt?"

"Do you need a doctor?"

"Yes I'm okay, what I said in the group chat, no I ain't hurt, no I don't need a doctor I'm completely fine!" You reassured them all. They all calmed down and nodded their heads at the same time. "Now then, how on earth are you able to pay for this house?!" You asked them still shocked.

"Ah, actually it was passed down to Jake when his grandmother died, she gave him this house. Which was good because all of us was abandoned and we was able to come here." Zack said.

"She left it to you?" You asked Jake.

He nodded his head and looked around at the others. "Yes she gave it to me before I was born, she wanted me to know she loved me and gave me this as a present and made it's condition that no matter what no one can take it from me." Jake explained.

You smiled at the information you just heard about him. You knew all of them didn't have the best relationships with their families. "Thank you for letting me stay." You said to them.

"It's fine, you can stay as long as you want. Live here if you want too I don't mind." Jake said to you.

You was shocked at the fact he said that too you but you smiled at him anyway. You nodded your head and looked around the place from where you was. "I'll show you to your room."

You looked over and saw Karma getting up, you nodded again and walked with him. You walked up the stairs and down a corridor. Karma opened the door and looked at you waiting for you to go in. You smiled and looked around. "I'll leave you to get settled." He said to you and closed the door while he was walking away.

You nodded your head and started to unpack the bag you had with you. When you went downstairs you looked at the boys. "I'll need to get other things from my house at some point." You said to them.

"That's fine. . . Oh and Y/N. . I don't think you should ever leave this place."

Thanks everyone, chapter 10 done!

Yay I reached my goal!

Thanks for all your support.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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