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"Fuck's sake, Beverly what happened to you?"

Not even the door had time to get fully shut before Brandon bawled out of worry.

He rushed over to me, but before he reached me with his caring touch, Frank stepped forward between us. His broad man covered my appearance, and I could sense Brandon's frustration in the air.

"Easy, Barlowe," Frank's voice was as calm as usual, but his dark determination and position of power could make anyone withdrawn. Even Brandon.

The men stood close to each other, competing about whom would take the first step back. Brandon knew that it was never worth it to pick up a fight with a guard, but he wanted to keep control of his psychological play. Frank had no reason to interfere with violence as long as Brandon didn't act out aggressively, and he knew that.

He took advantage of the situation. He refused to step back like a submissive.

I didn't want this to turn into a scene. Even though I knew that Frank was respectful and calm with patience, I also knew that Brandon was unpredictable and not in need of a further tempting situation.

Carefully, I took a step forward and looked at them both. Their eyes were pierced into each other, and none of them dared to let go of the command, unaware of what could happen if they did.

I placed my hand on Frank's shoulder to catch his attention.

"It's okay, Frank. He won't hurt me," I spoke gently, I needed him to listen to me no matter how naive he believed me to be when it came to Brandon.

Finally, Frank let go of Brandon's gaze and he looked at me with a strict face before he responded to my plea and took a step back.

Once again I was thankful with the way he so propitiously did his job. He was a true professional.

After letting a few silent seconds clear the air from the earlier strained moment, I faced Brandon who was now standing a distance from me. He was already looking at me, and I could read through his spirit that he was still waiting for an answer to his stated question.

I had not much more time to come up with a good answer, and I was not allowed to lie to him.

I hesitated, before I finally decided to take advantage of my role as a working nurse. This meeting was not about me, and either way, it was not Brandon's business what happened between me and Donald.

I had to keep myself professional as long as Frank was in here with us.

"Brandon, why don't you sit down," I said to begin the actual session I was here for.

He rolled his eyes but did as I said and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"How are you doing? It was quite a while ago since I last saw you,"

I kept pretending. I knew that Brandon would understand. Frank had no idea that I had been here so recently. He was only aware of the short unreported visit about a month earlier that turned into complete failure and rejection.

"You're here, I'm good," His words were short and filled with no emotion. I could tell that he was annoyed.

My heart couldn't help but to skip a beat from his words.

He looked away from me.

I didn't remember it being this difficult running a meeting with him. I used to have every word planned inside of my head, but now I was completely mute.

"I can't stand looking at that lurid bruise on your face. Tell me what happened, or you can leave," Brandon's rudeness spread over the room, and I was conquered.

I felt humiliated. How could I not be smarter? Of course, he would come up with something to get this meeting to occur around me. He played his role of the mentally sick patient just perfectly. He knew exactly what to do.

Frank wouldn't suspect anything about our personal and intimate connection, he would just believe that Brandon needed to know out of control and not out of actual concern.

All though Frank already overheard some very intense and private conversations between Brandon and me in the past, none of it was outstanding from what he was used to witness in his position of work. At an institution like this, it was not very uncommon for patients to get obsessed with their treaters, or even fall in love with them. I could always rely on that fact as long as I kept every emotion of my own to myself...

I sighed out loud.

This conversation would not lead any further if I didn't follow his command. And even if I was the one in charge, I knew that I could help Brandon from taking and giving.

I looked back at Frank again.

"Frank, would you please leave us?" I smiled gently as I widened my eyes. Once again I needed him to believe that I was not in a dangerous situation.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, nurse Frazier?"

I walked over to him in an attempt of appearing more professional, and I lowered my voice.

"I believe that patient Barlowe is in need of privacy to be able to start opening up for me again. He's been through some rough months, and my absence has been long. I need this opportunity to get him to speak to me again. Please," I explained carefully, making sure that Frank read my important words.

"It's my job to do as you command, but it's also my duty to protect you if I believe that you're in danger,"

I interrupted before he finished.

"I'm not in danger. Now please, leave the room so I can do my job,"

"The smallest sound, and I will storm inside,"

I nodded my head in eagerness. Frank knew as well as I did that the cellars were highly isolated from sounds, the only thing you could hear was loud enough screams, and some banging caused by sufficiently strong hands against the doors. Otherwise you could never hear anyone speak or even move inside.

I got that Frank just wanted to state his warn of protection, and I appreciated that.

"Understood," I said.

I watched the door close as the room now embraced me and Brandon with our loneliness.

My heartbeat increased with pace. I learned a long time ago that it was my body's natural way of reacting around Brandon, and I chose not to put so much effort into figuring out if it was out of fright, attraction, or excitement. Because probably there was a mixture of it all.

I met with the dark pair of eyes that were inspecting me carefully from the distance. Immediately I felt hypnotized by the mysterious stare, and I got dragged into the world filled with heavy appetence.

Brandon raised from where he sat and walked over to stand before me. He was completely quiet, and yet I didn't know what to expect.

I chose to let him deal with this moment and decide where to begin.

Slowly, he raised his hand and carefully began to stroke my sore cheekbone. He was so gentle with his touch, I could barely feel any pain.

The goosebumps covered my skin since I was now fulfilled from the longing for his touch.

I breathed in heavily, prepared for the moment of truth as well as I enjoyed the intimate, calm moment of reunion.

Once again I was back into this, and this time, I didn't have any choice but to stay.

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