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Without even hesitating to glance at Frank outside the cellar, I used every bit of substantiality that I had left and kept myself retained as I passed by his postured figure. I grabbed the heavy handle in a rough move to storm inside the small room and throw myself into the arms of safety.

As soon as the door closed behind me, I shouted out in pain and folded with weakness right before the man who managed to catch me just before I hit the floor.

He lifted me by the arms, but my body didn't want to cooperate. All I could do was cry.

Brandon allowed my feeble body to stay paralyzed and he followed the gravity and sat down on the floor while holding me closely. He stroked my hair with comfort and let the silence remain.

I could feel his heart pounding from the growing concern. His living pace made me feel calm, and every breath of mine slowed down to his rhythm.

I dug my head so deep into his bosom, and held him so tight to strengthen my senses. The smell of him made me feel protected, the closeness made me warm, and the comforting strokes of his touch made me placid. All I needed was his existence, his shelter, and his composed peace.

When the panic attack was over, and my emotions were settled into control again, I gathered my courage and carefully looked up at the glorious angel holding me so perfectly in his arms. His golden curls hung down over his forehead as he looked down at me with big, brown eyes filled with worry and tantrum.

I wasn't ready for his response of finding out what happened to me, but I knew I would have to tell him within the nearest upcoming minute. Since I was already numb from feelings, I couldn't care enough to be afraid of his unpredictable act of rage.

I knew he wouldn't hurt me, and that was all that mattered to me at this moment.

Brandon dried my tears as he stroke my cheek with his caring hand. I could read in his face that he was trying too hard to stay this calm. The fury was emerging inside of him. He was eager, desperate for an answer. He couldn't hold back much longer.

"Beverly, what happened to you?" His voice spoke to me with demand, yet he kept so peaceful and caring in tone.

This was another moment of truth. There was no part of me that didn't want to tell him, but it was hard to spit out something so tremendous in front of him.

I spared myself a couple of seconds as I took my last deep breaths. I didn't know how I was supposed to handle speaking out about this, but I had no other choice. Brandon's patience started to run out, and the darkness in his eyes replaced the brown color more with every passing second.

"Talk to me, Beverly. Tell me what happened to you!" The respectful tone in his voice slightly disappeared as the eagerness took over him.

I had no more time to be hesitant. There was no way for me to get out of this anyway.

I closed my eyes, I couldn't bare looking at him while speaking out the truth.

"He... he got to me," My voice broke from weakness and my words left my dry mouth with a silent whisper. I opened my eyes again to affirm if he just heard me, and all of his features verified that he did.

His biting jaw tensed to the sharpest, and his pulsating veins grew clearer in his neck. His mouth strained and his eyebrows descended.

He tied his fists and somehow managed to stay calm. In a slow cursing sigh he closed his eyes before he spoke to me again.

"How, Beverly? Tell me what he did to you this time!" Even if it was difficult, I could sense the sorrow in his voice between the heavy wrath. I knew that he already could figure out in what way, but he needed to hear it directly from me.

I looked away from him again since I didn't want to meet with his eyes as I spoke out the exact spelling of the previous terror.

"Rape," I retched on the word as it came out of me, and once again the flashback brought me to tears.

I slightly looked up at Brandon. His expression was black and his eyes were turning dewy. He placed his hand over his mouth and kept staring out the air, allowed a heavy breath to leave his lugns to ease the obvious wrath.

"Oh dear god," He whispered against his palm.

Then he looked down at me where I laid still in his arms. Our eyes immediately connected. He moved his hand and carefully placed it over my cheek to stroke in soft, comforting motions.

"I'm so sorry my love," He spoke into my eyes, and I drowned instantly in devotion. My love.

My lips formed a shy smile from his choice of words.

"Don't be," I sniffled quietly and laid my hand upon his.

"There's nothing I can do to protect you, and I fucking hate myself for it," The hopelessness in his voice made my heart ache. I was surprised that he was still so calm, but I guess he tried his very best not to cause a scene now as I was so vulnerable and torn right here in his arms. This time I was the one who needed help and comfort, and he was aware of that. At this moment I was the patient, and I needed him to be my treater.

"Don't say that. I'm here with you now, and I've never felt more safe,"

It was all true what I said. Even if this very man once brought me into the deepest fear and hatred, even if he violated me into faint and blood, he was the one I ran to for protection. I wanted him to hold me in his arms, hug me, kiss me, and tell me that everything was going to be okay.

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