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Walking our way towards the back entrance, I started to feel bad for Brandon since the time in the cold winter garden was now over. His posture sunk along with his steps, realizing he was soon to be locked up in the small concrete cellar again.

We passed the hallways. Frank was still walking behind us but fell a bit behind as Nurse Browne bumped into him and wanted to share some words with the man.

Brandon and I reached the elevator and awaited the lift. The air was dead, and I noticed Brandon's lowered mood. But I decided not to disturb him since I didn't have anything sheering to say, furthermore he probably wanted to be left alone due to his distinct silence.

The time went by slowly, but suddenly Frank broke the silence and caught my attention as he was now present behind us again.

"I am expected in the assembly, you think you could bring Mr. Barlowe back to his ward?" Frank asked, and allowed me to think about the obvious answer. Of course I could bring him back myself, the only thing that got me worried was that it was not allowed at all for Frank to leave me alone with a patient in the hallways.

I would never mouth on him, but what if somebody would see us, me and Brandon walking around alone? It was a risk, but I knew most of the staff now probably prepared for lunch or supervised in the gathering hall.

"Of course, Frank," I finally replied and smiled gently at the big man before he walked away.

Brandon didn't care about us being left in loneliness, and I knew he would never risk anything by approaching me in a public area.

We stepped inside the elevator as the heavy doors slid apart, and I pressed the button which would take us to floor two. The doors slowly started tracing towards each other, but just before they met to seclude us from the open, a big hand reached the gap which forced the doors to part again.

I watched the dramatic move and got surprised by the person's sudden way of making entrance. But it didn't take long until my eyes widened in dread. My heart skipped a beat before starting to hammer in fear, and I glared at Donald who was now standing right in front of me in the confined square-area.

"Hi, Beverly," He snarled in a loathsome grin as he took a violent step forward and slammed his hand against the emergency stop. But he didn't have much more time to get to me before Brandon hove forward and pushed Donald up against the wall with his arm pressed against his throat.

Donald looked shocked, he had no idea Brandon knew who he was or what he had done to me. He probably didn't realize he put himself into trouble only by stepping inside the same elevator as Brandon.

"I swear to god I'll fucking break your neck if you as much as blink," Brandon spit in Donald's face. His rage steamed through his clothing, and I flashed back to the moment he laid eyes on his murderous stepfather that day in September.

The panic already reached me and I tried my best to focus on my breathing only to stay present. I knew there was nothing I could do about this. I would only put myself in danger if I stepped between the two brute men.

The vein in Brandon's neck pulsed intensively and his jaw was sharper than a blade by the raging grit. I knew he would kill Donald if he got the chance. He was a man by his words.

"What you put her through you son of a bitch, I'll make you pay for it," He hissed between his teeth, and looked rigorously into Donald's eyes to assure his words.

In a sudden movement, he released his arm from Donald's neck, and in a fast-rated swing, he punched his knuckled fist right over his left cheekbone.

Donald's face cracked with the hit, and his head plunged to the side by the heavy force of Brandon's fist.

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