2 ¦ Just Do It

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"Are you out of your damn mind?" Melissa tossed her gym bag next to mine and looked at me with amusement. "You know he wrote you up, right?" I shrugged. "Not the first time...."

Melissa laughed based on my reaction and I pulled my shirt over my head. "Coach Melendez will probably send you to the office."

"I will survive that just fine... Was the test hard?" My best friend nodded and screwed up her face. "He looked at the assignments with us afterward and almost had a crisis." At least the whole class was stupid. That way he couldn't blame it on being unreliable.

Nodding, I walked beside her as we moved toward the sports field. It was really hot and I didn't understand why people played sports with students outside when they mutated into retarded fried eggs if they chilled under the Los Angeles sun for too long.

I, being half Spanish and half Italian, could handle the heat better than some other students, but of course I preferred sitting in the shade. Because I wasn't in the mood for sports right now.

I was a sports fan, but not at school, because here you were always forced to do the weirdest things anyway.

"Rodriguez! To the office!"

Ai! Ai! Captain! I indicated this hand gesture with my hand and made a U-turn.

I briefly squinted at my best friend and she grinned at me gleefully. My middle finger beamed at her as I inherited a warning look from Mr. Melendez.

I half-jogged to the office because I didn't like marching through the school building in gym clothes. Not because it was forbidden based on the dress code. Rather, because my gym shorts had fucking hearts and stars on them.

I had packed the wrong ones and my life just took me right through it. Only on the sports field it wouldn't have bothered me, but walking through the hallways while looking like a 4 year old girl was probably not on my wish list then.

The best part came when Jay and Heeseung came into my field of vision and they noticed me as I walked past their classroom. They were standing in front of their room with a few buddies, since it was probably still locked.

"Really stylish!" came from Jay, mimicking a model pose. I shook my head in amusement and briefly skimmed the hazel eyes of their buddie.

I didn't know everyone, but I knew this one rode motocross with them. Yes, my best friends loved to ride through the mud and I have to admit that Heeseung looked pretty hot in the motocross gear.

That's exactly why I watched them more often and that's how I knew the owner of those hazel brown eyes was riding too. His name I once knew, but as you could see, I had forgotten it again and what I forgot was not worth saving.

"Of course. The best clothes in the whole school building," I joked as I dodged Heeseung's arms and already had the principal in my sights. My homies understood what was going on and gave me a brief, but really only very brief, look of pity.

"Glad you could make it too, Miss Rodriguez." Santa smiled falsely down at me and I shrugged. No, he didn't have a white beard, but he looked like he was going to be nice and sweet. That's why I called him that, but when you spent more time with him, like I did.... Unfortunately that's how you could tell he was a monster.

He usually didn't give a shit what you had to say and then he would push extra lessons etc. after you. By now I was sure that if he really was Santa, he would probably eat all the presents, plus the kids.

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