21 ¦ Can we talk?

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Completely sleepy, I turned off my alarm clock and slowly sat up as my hair hung knotted in my face. I hate school... 

I had a really disgusting taste in my mouth, which could only mean that I had fallen asleep immediately yesterday and had not brushed my teeth. As I was getting up to shuffle to the bathroom, I noticed I was still wearing my everyday clothes. 

Wait... how did I even get here? 

I remembered my eyes getting all heavy downstairs on the sofa, talking to the Spaniard. Had he brought me here? 

Quite confused, I took off my clothes and looked for something new and clean before standing in front of the shower and setting a comfortable temperature. In a moment I would surely feel much more comfortable and clean.

 As the rather hot water hit my still tired little self, a soft sigh escaped me and instinctively I rubbed the water into my face, brushing my hair back at the same time. 

So Jake had carried me upstairs. Why hadn't he woken me up? I could have gone up myself. Oh well. It didn't really bother me and knowing me, I probably would have made a mess of him if he had dared to wake me up. 

When I felt comfortable again, I wrapped myself in a towel and pushed out my hair. I didn't have much time. School was about to start and I usually only showered in the evening.

A little faster than usual, I got ready to leave the house and almost forgot my cell phone. I reached for it hastily when I realized I was running a little late. Since I was avoiding Heeseung and he usually always took me to school, I had to rely on the bus from now on. That didn't bother me, though. 

I stressed down the stairs and locked the front door behind me. With big steps, way too big for my height, I jumped down the stairs from our front yard and almost broke my neck. I didn't have much time to be upset about it, as I could hear the tramway in the distance. 

Luckily for me, I had still caught it and as I settled down next to Melissa, I looked at my phone for the first time. 

I hope you're sleeping well. 

That was the first message I looked at and it had come from NUMBER 81. At exactly 00:47 he had sent it and I wondered now if we had really talked that long. Respect to us...


Other direction. Shit, other direction! 

Overwhelmed, I turned 180° to flee from my crush, who had wanted to talk to me all day. Jake had just told me that I should not be naive and what he meant by that I could not fully evaluate, but probably it referred to Heeseung. 

He was single since yesterday and seemed more than interested in me now. Still, I had noticed that when the Spaniard was with me, the gray-haired one didn't dare come near me. 

I was getting to know Jake pretty well, and something told me that he hadn't just watched yesterday when Aleyshia had dropped my crush. My new buddy had also realized that when he was around me, Heeseung didn't dare come near me. This was exactly why he had mostly stayed with me during breaks, but now he was called to the principal's office and I was at the mercy of my crush. 

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