27 ¦ The Morning After

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Glad that it was Saturday and I could sleep in, I snuggled against the strange warm pillow and exhaled serenely. I still had my eyes closed, but knew it was already light outside. 

Actually, I had been planning on yawning until I noticed a steady heartbeat. Not my own, no... The longer I listened to this strange heartbeat, the clearer things became to me, which I had done last night. 

My right hand was on a naked breast and at the same time I noticed that my naked skin was nestled in the bed sheet. With time, my surroundings became clearer to me and now I also noticed two strong, warm arms wrapped around my body. 

A warm, calm breath tickled the spot under my left ear and soft curls tickled the left side of my head. When my brain had processed all this info, I jerkily lifted my head. I felt warm all over and looked down at me.... us

A flat belly that definitely didn't belong to me rose steadily, and slowly panic spread through me. Sleepy Jake seemed to notice that I was getting restless and stopped me with a tired voice.

"Just one more minute, please. I need some time to prepare for this discussion..." 

I felt a chill run down my spine as I heard the Spaniard's morning voice for the first time. Not really knowing how to react right now, I lowered my head back down on his chest and eyed his skin, which was sun-kissed.

 What the hell were we thinking? I mean..... What?! And most importantly... what was I thinking? So I find out that Heeseung sure as hell doesn't want anything from me and I pull Jake into my bed?! 

The more I thought about it, the more uneasy my breathing became and partly I felt anger for the boy next to me, who by the way was quite comfortable.... 

The concerned one heaved a sigh and took an arm off my body so he could hold his forehead for a moment. "Okay... I'm ready."

Directly, I pushed his arms off of me and flipped my part of the blanket over onto him. Completely overwhelmed, I then jumped out of bed, realizing relatively late that there still wasn't a single millimeter of fabric on my skin. 

"Are you out of your mind?" He winced, despite being prepared, when my voice rang out. "Now don't act like this is just my fault." He rubbed his face and tried to defend himself. 

He was entitled to that, too. What we had done last night always involved two people. 

"That was my first time!" The black-haired man sat up and the blanket slid dangerously far down. I swallowed and averted my eyes from the dangerous area. Then, as I tried to focus on his eyes, I could barely meet his gaze. 

"Does it reassure you if I say it was my second time?" Warningly, I pressed my tongue to the inside of my cheek and stabbed him with my gaze. "Yes, it makes everything much less complicated."

The Spaniard rubbed his face again, running his fingers through his tousled hair. He was aware that I wasn't done with my freak-out yet, and he lifted his gaze again.

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