17 ¦ Don't Touch Me

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5 minutes to go until the break and you don't understand, I think, how long I've been waiting for this. With my pen I tapped again and again on the table and every 10 seconds my eyes fell on the clock, which hung left over the head of my teacher.

She was talking about the human heart, which really didn't interest me at the moment. To the left of me sat Melissa, who was drawing some sketches and when I had a closer look at them, I realized that these drawings had nothing to do with the lesson.

To mention the small grant from Cayetana. In the envelope there was just under 1000 dollars, which meant that I had only 2 weeks of work left.

I had made a mental note to thank her again personally, but I was now firmly convinced that the Spaniard had told his mother why I needed the money in the first place and that she was therefore giving me more.

Normally I would find that unfair, since I was supposed to earn the money myself, but this was not about me. This was about Abuela's heart.

My phone lit up and since every damn teacher was putting me in the front row by now, I made a cursory attempt to turn on the screen. I started to smile when NUMBER 81  lit up. Yesterday we had finally managed to exchange our numbers. It had taken long enough..

Heeseung thinks it's great to tell others that you like him....

That's all he had written and I rolled my eyes because I honestly didn't expect that from Heeseung.

Mentioned his fall yesterday. Have never seen that jerk so quiet.

I began to grin and shook my head. I was so busy trying to think of what I wanted to say that I was startled when the bell rang. I almost dropped my phone on the floor, but I covered this clumsiness by rising and hastily throwing my phone into my school bag and then my books after it.

I didn't need to text Jake back. We'd see each other in a minute anyway. That is, of course, if Heeseung will tolerate it too.

Honestly... If he interfered again today, I could not guarantee a calm reaction on my part. It definitely made me angry that even though he knew I felt something for him, he wouldn't let me be with other guys. He also wanted me to get over him. Why was he making this so hard for me?

Melissa stumbled along beside me as her bag hung halfway to the floor and I just walked straight down the hallway. I was trying to get us a good seat in the cafeteria. That was pretty hard to do these days.

"What are you running for? If we don't have a spot left, I'm sure Jay or Jake got one." Now that I also noticed that my best friend was overwhelmed, I slowed down and helped her. "Thanks."

She smiled sweetly at me as I carried her bag for a moment, holding my own at the same time and managing not to get lost in the stomping of the other students. Melissa picked up her bag again and we stood at the entrance to the cafeteria as we both looked for an empty seat.

That had worked out great...

However, I caught sight of Jay's head and Jake's next to it. I thought that was very sweet of Jay. He also helped me to get away from Heeseung and therefore spent more time with the people who were good for me.

Of course, he still spent time with Heeseung, but at school and especially when I was there, Jay made sure not to leave me alone. Heeseung didn't really understand any of this, but he forgot his confusion at the latest when Aleyshia put her arms around his neck.

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